Muharram, Fasting And Gifts

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2 Muharram 1442 / 22 August 2020

Muharram, Fasting and Gifts

The Month of Muharram heralds the commencement of the new Islamic year. During this month, the 10th Day is called Aashura. Innumerable great events of history had occurred on this Day. Qiyaamah too will occur on a Friday which will be the 10th Muharram.

It is Sunnah to fast on the Day of Aashura. Since the Yahood (Jews) also fast on this Day or they used to fast, Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) ordered Muslims to fast on two days, either the 9th and the 10th or the 10th and the 11th of Muharram. Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) had commanded the extra day to avoid a resemblance with the Yahood. Tashabbhuh bil Kuffaar (emulating non-Muslim) is a major sin.

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) had also advised to spend a bit extra on one’s family on this Day. THIS DOES NOT MEAN TO BE EXTRAVAGANT AND WASTEFUL. As far as wealthy people are concerned, everyday their meals are lavish and sumptuous, hence it will be best for them to rather spend on some extra and/or sumptuous food for the poor. Imagine the happiness one will bring to the household of poor and needy people! Imagine the Du’as one will earn by these poor and needy souls!

Besides the aforementioned acts, there is no other Sunnah act of Ibaadat or activity to be observed on this day. While Ibaadat is always beneficial and encouraged, there is no specific act of Ibaadat associated with the 10th Muharram.

The practice of exchanging gifts on this Day is baseless. It has no Islamic significance.

All other acts and activities which different groups have innovated on this Day are Haraam Bid’ah, e.g. the ‘new year’ celebrations etc. Ridiculous celebrations on 10th Muharram are the hallmark of the Shiahs and other deviated sects. Participating in any of these Haraam practices of Bid’ah is Haraam.

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