Question: Recently, many Muslim schools of South Africa participated in a soccer tournament. A scuffle also broke out between two or three teams, from what I heard. Prior to the event, a maulana from Gauteng who generally appears in the media, who frequents political issues with the ANC, who called for the closure of the Musjieds about 5-days before lockdown, and is known to ‘speak on behalf of the 2 million Muslims of SA’, encouraged this soccer tournament on his Twitter account. He wished his area’s Muslim school well in the tournament. Kindly comment on this tournament, and also about the scuffle that took place and the maulana’s support of such events. Shukran!
Answer: If we follow the valuable advices of our Ulama-e-Haq, we will easily be able to manoeuvre through the poisonous, dangerous and nasty baits, plans and deceptions of our enemy, Shaitaan. Shaitaan dangles a poisonous carrot over our heads to capture us into his evil. One easy way of him achieving this is by utilizing modern-minded scholars to sing his song! Hence, be wary, cautious and alert regarding such scholars parading in our midst.
The Ulama-e-Haq will never endorse such Kuffar-sports and Haraam tournaments. Such Shaitaani activities held by Muslims is a disgrace to themselves, not to Islaam, as Islaam doesn’t endorse such Haraam.
The Ulama-e-Haq of our country don’t even endorse ‘Muslim’ schools! Thus, the entire ‘Muslim’ schooling is devoid of the endorsements, Du’as and support of our Ulama-e-Haq. Therefore, stay very far away from such de-Imaanizing dens.
Sports and tournaments such as soccer tournaments organized by ‘Muslims’ stem from the original football played by the Kuffar and their leagues, etc. This has nothing to do with Islaam. The entire soccer sport is Haraam. What does one get out of supporting and watching 22-men, with their Satr exposed, running after a pigskin ball trying to kick it between two posts on either side, without even the team and player/s knowing of your support for them, for 90 valuable minutes?
The crazy supporting of certain teams and of certain players by Muslims is truly mindboggling. A particular player who is a zero (‘opposite’ of hero) with a ‘Muslim’ name playing for one of the famous teams appears to be an idol of many Muslims – young and old.
However, his recent documented history displays aspects of KUFR! His celebrating Christmas with a Christmas Tree and his donating of a huge sum of money to a church recently, speaks volumes of where his priorities are. This is what soccer is all about – dancing to the tune of Shaitaan! We speaking about a sportsman with a ‘Muslim’ name who even certain modern-scholars support and endorse!
The only activities that one should consider are the ones mentioned in the Hadith Shareef. Wrestling, archery, swimming, running and horse riding are encouraged in the Deen. Soccer, cricket, tennis, volleyball, hockey, rugby, etc. should be avoided at all costs in both, supporting and playing.
The sports of the Kuffar breed rowdiness, hooliganism, vulgarity, murdering, gambling, liquor and drunkenness, and bestial attributes. Hence, in the history of Kuffar sports, many incidents are recorded in which killing took place between opposition fans, match-fixing took place in order to gain the bribery offered, etc. The drunkenness issue almost every sport match has is supposed to be understood without the need of an example.
Thus, sports which have such evil, darkness and Shaitaaniyat as its background should be avoided at all costs.
Lastly, the Ulama-e-Haq have warned us several times of the evil of Kuffar sports – especially cricket and soccer. A frightening real-life example has been given of a man who from frequenting the Majaalis of a senior Mufti Saheb ended up passing away who while in a semi-conscious state when in his last moments opened his eyes, raised his hands in the air and taking the name of a certain sport player said that he is my idol, then closed his eyes and breathed his last. This is besides the sanctioning and supporting of the Haraam LGBTQ of the sport teams, their coaches and managers as well as the players.
One should be wary of Ulama who support sports and are involved actively and physically in politics. Adopt the company of the Ulama-e-Haq. In this lies the safety of one’s Akhlaaq and Imaan.
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