(If you would like to read (or download) this article as PDF, please click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/The-Natal-Azaan-issue.pdf)
The Azaan – The Call To Allah’s House – Court Case In Isipingo!
Beautifully describing the Azaan, the Qur’an Majeed declares in unequivocal terms:
“And whose speech can be better than the one who calls towards Allah?” (Surah Haa-Meem Sajdah, Aayat 33)
Every act a Muslim does in this world is either a good deed or a bad deed. Every good deed will have a positive effect, while every bad deed will have a negative effect.
While positive effects are that of goodness, spirituality and Barkat, negative effects are that of evil, darkness and doom. So much so that the Du’a that has to be read after drinking water brings to our attention this very point. In the Du’a, Shukr (gratitude) is made to Allah Ta’ala for not making the water salty and bitter DUE TO one’s sins. Hence, sinning’s negative effects can also reach the water we drink, as the Du’a after drinking water clearly shows!
We have come across an equitable saying which reads as follows, ‘Sin is like a credit card. Enjoy now, pay later.’ A quick analyses of this saying in Islamic flavour is:
- ‘Sin’ – This includes all forms, shapes, styles and manners of sins. Even disrespecting any of the Shi’aar (Symbol) of Islaam such as the Masjid, Wuzu, Salaah, Miswaak and Azaan fall under ‘sin’.
- ‘Credit card’ – Everyone perhaps know how credit cards work. Like that, a person can ‘enjoy’ the devilish ‘pleasure’ of sinning at the time of sinning, but will pay a severe penalty (Azaab / punishment) for it later.
- ‘Later’ – Either in this Dunya, if not, then definitely in the Hereafter. However, it is Allah’s prerogative that if He wishes to forgive someone even without repentance, He has all the right to do so.
The current situation in our country where we have learnt of the court ruling against the Azaan should be seen through the similar ‘spectacles’. When during the lockdown and even a few days prior to that, the Fordsburg based Jamiat announced and called for the closure of the Masaajid in South Africa (on 22 March 2020), then, when a court case was to be made with the support of almost all senior Ulama – some of whom are seniors in the Tableeghi movement while others are experienced in teaching Hadith, Fiqh and Tafseer in major Darul-Ulooms – this very same Fordsburg based Jamiat and UUCSA went against this court case! To rub salt to the open wound, they actually went in the court as amicus curiae – friends of the court – which actually made them ‘friends of the Kuffar, enemies of Allah and enemies of the Masaajid’, since the court case was to gain the opening of the Masaajid the legal way.
In the court case papers of UUCSA, they made the disastrous point that congregational prayers (Jamaat Salaah) in the Masjid is NOT obligatory! This was the ‘credit card’ which was ‘swiped’ in court by the friends of the court for whatever reasons they had. Some Ulama said it was due to the personal vendetta against the Ulama that had initiated the court proceedings with their lawyer. While others said it was to keep their close-ties and friendship with the government in order to keep gaining the ‘benefits’ dished out to them. While Allah knows best their motives, their motives were ulterior, because no sane Muslim will ever support a case to go against any – leave alone the Masjid – Islamic Shi’aar (Symbol).
As the second part of the saying states clearly, ‘pay later’, that is exactly what is happening with the court ruling against the Azaan in Natal. Now see the negative results of the Masjid reopening court case which modern-thinking ‘Ulama’ had opposed, that now – about three months after the Masjid court issue – the Natal court has ruled against the Azaan in Natal!
Alhamdulillah, we had written in a previous article dated 10th Muharram 1441 – 4th May 2020 (please request this article from us if you have not read it). In this article it was written with the Tawfeeq of Allah Ta’ala, that the possible consequences of UUCSA’s and all other ‘Muslims’, ‘Muslim’ professionals and ‘Ulama’ that opposed the Masjid opening case and stated in their court papers for the history of SA to see and know that Jamaat Salaah in the Masjid is NOT an obligatory, would lead to the following disasters:
- When Muslims of a town wish to build a Masjid and apply to the council, they may be told that praying in your homes is the alternative since going Masjid is NOT obligatory!
- When calling out the Azaan for the Salaahs on the loudspeakers, non-Muslims can object as to why are you calling others to attend the Masjid. Praying at home is the alternative, while going to the Masjid in not obligatory. So stop your Azaans!!!
- Fathers who will advise their sons to attend the Masjid may be told that it is NOT obligatory to do so and praying at home is the alternative!!!
- Jumu’ah time, when the Masaajid are packed with cars and people, the council may rule restrictions to ensure the roads are not congested by the hundreds of cars parked for the Jumu’ah Salaah. The council’s proof may just be that praying at home is the alternative, so restrictions on Musallis should be made for our Jumu’ah, Eid, Taraweeh and other Salaahs!!!
The solution is not to now issue statements showing support for the Isipingo Azaan case by this Fordsburg based Jamiat, but to issue a public Taubah, stating in clear terms that going to court to challenge and argue to keep the Masaajid CLOSED was a manifest error and sin. Then see the tides and winds changing and blowing in the favour of the Ummah!
Based on the court-case papers of UUCSA (Fordsburg based Jamiat is its active member) that Jamaat in the Masjid is not obligatory, Fordsburg Jamiat should not issue any press statement in support of the Azaan since the Azaan calls Mu’mineen to the Masjid for Jamaat Salaah – the very Ibaadat they claimed is not obligatory! Unless a public statement is not released by UUCSA (or Fordsburg based Jamiat) that their opposing of the court case for the Masaajid to reopen was wrong, sinful and against the Qur’an Majeed, no attention should be given to them at all!
May Allah Ta’ala protect us from the deviated modern-thinking Ulama, Aameen.
(Note: Two of UUCSA’s member did NOT support the Masjid court case, hence they are excluded from this)
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