Natural Disasters In SA

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22 Rabiul-Awwal 1441 / 20 November 2019

The Tornados, Floods, Tremors And Other Natural Disasters

The Ummah’s Reaction To These Situations

If We Don’t Change Our Lives, Then Brace Ourselves For Worse Situations Yet To Come!

Our honourable senior Muslims will be well-aware that the very recent storms and tornados parts of our country witnessed were unheard of in South Africa in the past. In one week – a matter of about three days – two tornados were witnessed in the province of Kwa-Zulu Natal!

The irrefutable weak knowledge of Insaan compared to our Rabb…

Keep in mind the feeble ‘knowledge’ Insaan has. Insaan says ‘we have technology’, ‘we have education’, ‘we can read and predict the weather’ and other similar claims Insaan implies by way of actions and attitude. Despite all these claims, we are not aware that any weather report predicted these tornados!

Then, Insaan felt they failed hopelessly on the occasions of the tornados, Insaan then ‘fore-warned’although this was also based on mere predictions – some parts of the Kwa-Zulu Natal province that there is up to 200ml of rain to be expected on a certain day of the same week of the two tornados. They ‘fore-warned’ of extreme flash floods, landscapes and other related disasters which could be left in the wake of their ‘predicted’ torrential rains expected. The already defeated Insaan went to the extent of displaying an attitude of ‘challenging’ their Creator (Allah Rabbul Izzat) that with so much of certitude they had in their ‘predictions’ that they called for the schools to let out their pupils early to avoid the expected and ‘predicted’ floods, etc.

On the other hand, Allah Ta’ala – Who describes Himself in His Pure and Holy Kalaam as, “The One Who does as He pleases” – willed that all of the ‘predictions’ of Insaan NOT to happen.

The reaction of our seniors when experiencing such disasters…

We, and many others will remember the reaction to stormy weathers and floods of our parents, grand-parents and seniors. We can remember that when the skies would become dark, and the lightning and thunder would intensify, and the winds would blow extremely strongly, then, despite our parents and grand-parents not being Ulama, Huffaz or those who knew much of Deen, they would immediately take out an old Masnoon Du’a Kitaab which would be kept in a chest of draw near the bedside, open to the marker which they kept which takes one to the page of the Du’a to be recited when there is a storm, strong winds and torrential rains, and either sit the family (children and grand-children) down and recite it aloud, or read it then this Kitaab would be passed on one-by-one and all would recite it with the fear of Allah Ta’ala. Yet, such stormy weathers were witnessed as they say ‘once in a ‘blue’ moon.’ (i.e. extremely rarely).

The reaction of the Ummah of modern times…

On the other hand, today, these natural disasters are very common. Often we witness that with rain there is hail. With dark clouds, there are very strong winds. With hard-rain, there are floods or flash floods. But, sadly, the modern-time Ummah has cast aside the sincere A’maal of their parents and seniors (as explained above) aside, and have become addicted to the screens, tangled in the net (internet) and have become people of opinions and comments in all matters. Taking heed, lessons and resorting to the Masnoon Du’as, Taubah and Istighfaar are almost extinct – if not already extinct – in the lives of the current youth of the Ummah.

Was the tornado a hoax – Muslims pass-time to investigate…

Today, the Ummah has become like ‘detectors’ and ‘investigators’. They are spending so much time in order to find out if the tornados which were reported were real or hoaxes (fakes – just made up or old stories refreshed). In the process, so much time is wasted on various social platforms, websites and news reports. Much time is spent watching the videos which were taken of the tornado. Such material is then passed on social media. Thus, the disasters go viral, but the condition of the Ummah does not change!

We have to take such disasters, be it in the form of a tornado, flash-floods, torrents of rain and strong winds as ‘Wake-Up Calls’ from Allah Ta’ala. Allah Ta’ala is showing us that neither did our technology, nor our experts pick up the tornado. Thus, at any time, we may be afflicted with any ‘un-predicted’ disaster which may be a means of our lives changing forever!

Explaining this fact, Allah Ta’ala says: “What! Do the people of the towns feel safe from Our Punishment coming to them by night while they are asleep? What! Do the people of the towns feel safe from Our Punishment coming to them in the morning while they play (i.e. engaged in their worldly activities, etc.)?” (A’raaf, 97, 98)

As Muslims – as an Ummah – we should react to such natural disasters in a total different manner. We should not be really bothered as to the name of the tornado, the type of tornado, which news broadcasters have reported the tornados, what destruction it left in its wake, etc. Even if NO destruction was left, it is sufficient as a warning and to change our lives!

Sickness can be Mercy in disguise…

Just as sickness can either be a ‘Rahmat in disguise’ or an ‘Azaab in disguise’, so too are natural disasters. If in a sickness, a person adopts Sabr, increases Zikrullah, if he/she can he/she makes abundant of Tilaawat, his/her Salaah is up-to-date, etc., then this sickness is actually a Rahmat for him/her because he/she is coming closer to his/her Rabb, Allah Ta’ala. If on the other hand, he/she blames everyone and everything, but neglects and abandons his/her Salaah, casts a blind eye on the remembrance of Allah Ta’ala, etc. then in actual fact this sickness is a punishment for him/her, because he/she is drifting further away from Allah Ta’ala.

Treating the tornados seriously by changing…

Thus, if Muslims reflect and take lesson from the tornados, tremors etc. and reform themselves by the men filling up the Masaajid – especially Fajr time – growing their beards the Sunnah way, donning the Sunnah Kurtahs which should ALWAYS be well-above their ankles, rid their dealings and businesses of Haraam Riba (interest), and submit to the Shari’ah in ALL spheres of life, and by the women abandoning their driving even if it is imagined to be in the cause of ‘Deen’, roaming around in the shops and gallivanting the malls (without their Mahrams), picking up and dropping off friends, adopt proper Shar’I Hijaab, and act generally in submission to the Shari’ah, then understand that though the tornado and floods happened in another province far away, it has served as a Rahmat whereby some A’maal and apparent changes happened to the Muslims which resulted in them coming closer to Allah Ta’ala.

Failure to heed the warning will result in worse situations…

On the contrary, if Muslims ignore these warnings of Allah Ta’ala, and continue their indulgence in sin and transgression, neglecting the Masaajid, arranging family reunions in which Haraam intermingling and gaming, fishing, etc. are the main activities of such functions under the pretext of ‘maintaining family ties’. Family ties can only be maintained with the upholding of the Laws of Allah Ta’ala!

If Muslims continue their Haraam weddings which are held at halls and where a host of major and serious sins are committed, if they continue with their birthday parties in which thousands of valuable Rands are squandered in silly balloons, birthday cakes and candles, etc., etc., etc. then brace ourselves for more serious disasters to afflict our country! Then expect the Rand to drop rapidly, crime to rise excessively and rulers to rule with tyranny! For indeed, the natural disasters are ‘minor’ Punishments albeit a perfect and ideal chance and warning to Muslims to change our ways.

May Allah Ta’ala safeguard us from His Punishment and may He help us change our ways, Aameen.

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