Nikaah & Haraam Activities Thereafter

Nikaah & Haraam Activities Immediately Thereafter

Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “Nikaah (i.e. getting married) is from my Sunnah…” (Ibn Maajah)


Women are not allowed to enter anywhere in the Masjid – even upstairs – to witness a Nikaah. This also applies to the prospective bride!

Recording part of, or the entire Nikaah on videos or photos is Haraam. This is the Fatwa which the Ulama-e-Haq are stern on!

Since ladies are not allowed in the Masjid – even upstairs – to witness Nikaahs taking place, thus the issue of intermingling anywhere inside the Masjid, outside the Masjid, by the Wuzu Khanah, etc. will NOT arise.

The bride and groom should have some Sharam / Hayaa’ (modesty) by ensuring their first-time meeting is made in some sort of privacy. Worse is when such meetings are in public, or videoed for the whole world to see! This includes their gifting each other with gifts or roses, hugs and kisses. Imagine, beginning one’s married life with sin (photography) and Be-Hayaa’i, and we expect Barakah in our life thereafter?

Imaams should discourage such activities from taking place inside the Masjid. In fact, they should refuse performing such Nikaahs. In the case where they were not aware of such activities for Nikaahs they participated in or performed, they should immediately take the soonest opportunity and address their congregation by educating them and discouraging such in the future. They should also explain that their attendance or performing of the Nikaah was done without the knowledge of what happened during or/and after the Nikaah inside the Masjid – even the upstairs section. Yes, scholars who are pushing for a watered-down version of Islam who attend or perform such Nikaahs will not bother clarifying the Islamic Stance on the Haraam activities that may have taken place at/after the Nikaah. Remember, those are the Ulama-e-Baatil who are legalizing many things that are Haraam in the Shari’ah, hence it is expected from them to be silent on such issues and to refrain from offering the Genuine Islamic Guidelines for future Nikaahs.

Newlyweds who may have committed a blunder or planned such Haraam acts at their Nikaah, should resort to Taubah, for indeed Allah Ta’ala is Most Forgiving.

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