Not For Sport

Gauge the following episode with the current intoxication of the Ummah with the Haraam Cricket World Cup, which even Huffaaz and Ulama support and watch.


Hazrat Bahlool (Rahmatullahi alaih) narrated the following very interesting episode full of Naseehat and admonition:

“In the streets of Basrah, I came across a group of children playing a game with walnuts and almonds.

One child was sitting at the side, crying.

I took pity on him thinking that he was crying because he had nothing to play with.

I said to him, “Why are you crying? I shall buy for you some walnuts/almonds so that you too can play.”

The child turned his head towards me and said:

“O ignorant one! We have not been created for play.”

I said, “Son, for what then have we been created?”

He said, “To acquire knowledge of the Deen and to render Ibaadat to Allah Ta’ala.”

I said, “How do you know this?”

The child recited following Aayat of the Qur’an Majeed: “What! Do you think We have created you in futile and that you will not be returned to Us?”

I said, “Son! You appear to be very intelligent and wise. Give me some Naseehat.”

He replied, “The world is swiftly departing. The world will not endure for anyone nor will anyone remain forever in the world. Life on earth and Maut (death) are like two horses running swiftly together – the one coming after the other.

O lovers of the world! Abandon the world and prepare yourselves for the Aakhirah!”

The child then turned his face towards the heavens and tears like pearls cascaded down his cheeks.

After reciting some heart-rending verses, the boy collapsed unconscious.

I lifted his head onto my lap and wiped the dust from his face.

After he had revived, I asked, “Son! What happened to you? You are still sinless and pure.”

The boy responded, “O Bahlool! Leave me! I have seen my mother when lighting a fire first adding thin twigs. The flame is first applied to the little twigs. I fear that tomorrow (on the Day of Qiyaamah) I may be used as fuel for the Fire of Jahannam.”

I said, “Son! Indeed, you are very intelligent. Give me some more advice.”

After the boy delivered a lengthy discourse which touched my heart, I lapsed into unconsciousness. When I regained consciousness, the boy was gone.

I enquired from the other children about the boy. I asked them about the child and they said, “Don’t you know who he is? He is of the progeny of Sayyiduna Husain bin Ali bin Abi Taalib (Radhiyallahu anhum).”

I was astonished. Indeed, such a child must be the fruit of such a grand tree.”


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