Object Against The Health Act!


In a desperate move to enslave its citizens into oppression, dictation and cruelty, the government of South Africa is considering to legislate certain laws which will infringe and omit some of the freedoms the citizens of SA enjoy.

Firstly: We encourage ALL Muslims to utilize the powerful weapon of ‘mass destruction’ which we are equipped with, namely, Du’a. Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “Du’a is the weapon of a believer.”

Secondly: Alhamdulillah, we are grateful and happy to note that there are many organisations – belonging to Ulama-e-Haq, Muslim professionals as well as that of non-Muslims – that have prepared ways and draft templates to object against such cruelty and oppression. We encourage Muslims and the citizens of South Africa to use these links provided hereunder to lodge one’s objection against the proposed Health Act which will bring about nothing but oppression and cruelty in its wake in South Africa.

The links to lodge your objections are as follows – please pass this information to all your contacts, family and friends:

  1. Wifaaqul-Ulama SA An easy, simple and quick way to send your objection drafted by the Wifaaqul-Ulama of SA, Alhamdulillah. Please click on this link to submit your objection: https://tinyurl.com/2h87h6sm Remember to write your name and place in this draft e-mail prepared by the Wifaaqul-Ulama.
  2. AMPSA – A draft word document has been prepared which can be downloaded from this link: https://bit.ly/AMPSA-Health This draft document requires you to fill in your details and then be forwarded to the following e-mail address: tsakani.furumele@health.gov.za
  3. Dear South Africa – You may use this link to lodge your objections via the DearSA link: https://dearsouthafrica.co.za/health-act-amendment/
  4. Direct e-mail – If you can, send your objections against the oppressive Health Act. Write a simple short e-mail saying ‘I object against the Health Act’, or express your objection in any other clear way and send it as e-mail to: tsakani.furumele@health.gov.za  

3 thoughts on “Object Against The Health Act!”

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