Our Censure

18 Jamaadal-Ulaa 1440 / 25 January 2019

We condemn the justification regarding the wedding which had Shirk customs in it

Perhaps everyone is aware of the recent wedding which took place in Cape Town. At this wedding, some Shirk was committed which was witnessed by Muslims and even Sheikhs who were present.

Since this is a danger to the Ummah, especially to the future of the Ummah, as normal, just a few Ulama-e-Haq stood up and proclaimed the bitter truth with the consequences of the marriage, couple’s Imaan, bride’s Imaan and the Imaan of the bride’s parents. The Sheikhs who were present were also criticized by these Ulama-e-Haq.

Also, noteworthy is the fact to state that a Sheikh from Cape Town delivered a Jumu’ah Bayaan in which he spoke the Haq without any fear pertaining to the marriage and the Sheikhs who were present at the marriage ceremony, Alhamdulillah.

Alas! One of the Sheikhs who was in the midst of the wedding in which Shirk was witnessed, gave a speech filled with justifications of their actions. Indeed, this is lamentable. It is least expected of an Aalim of the Haq, or a Sheikh of the Haq to justify his act which he committed in public when it (his act) is criticized by the Ulama-e-Haq.

Hence, we, Custodians of the Haq, condemn the Sheikh and all those who justified the wedding in which acts of Shirk were committed – like the couple and others walking around the ‘Fire’, as per the belief (of Shirk) of the Hindus, etc!

Insha Allah, further articles will be issued from our Amr bil Ma’roof Nahi anil Munkar Department regarding this saga.

May Allah Ta’ala protect the Ummah from Kufr, Shirk and the justifications of Kufr and Shirk by Sheikhs and Ulama, Aameen.

We request your Du’as.


Custodians of the Haq Team 

End of our letter.

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