The Padel Fitnah – Especially In Ramadhaan – BEWARE!
We have come across an ad of a particular padel tennis Fitnah. The ad, apart from having Haraam and accursed pictures on it, has the following bold claims made on it:
- Padel So Cool
- You’ll forget you fasting
- Air conditioned courts
- Free Iftaar & Sehri – For 6pm booking & 4am booking everyday
- Wuzu & Salaah facilities
- Open 24 hours – everyday throughout Ramadhaan
While no Muslim who has his alignment right in honour and respect of the Sacred Month of Ramadhana will be found at such dens of futility, we deem it necessary to condemn such entertainments as well as to refresh some of the virtues of Ramadhaan in the light of the Ahaadith. The Padel tennis Fitnah which has plagued the Ummah, has indeed caused much turbulences in society. It has removed Hayaa’ and brought intermingling and immodesty! It has ripped the fibre of modesty which is an integral part of Deen. Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “Hayaa’ (modesty) is a branch of Deen”. It is also mentioned, “When modesty leaves you, then do as you please”.
Muslims should spend the nights of Ramadhaan in plenty of Tilaawat, Nafl, and other forms of Ibaadaat. If one doesn’t have the courage of any, then resort to sleep. For indeed, a sleeping person is definitely saved from sins.
While every night in Ramadhaan, Allah Ta’ala’s Special Mercy and Attention is directed to the world, it is indeed foolish to ignore and take benefit from that and rather make one’s way towards a padel court and other entertainment dens.
Ramadhaan is not to be spent at padel courts, stadiums, souks and other merrymaking entertainment venues and dens – even if these dens are air-conditioned and offer free savouries made from genuinely Halaal, Tayyib and un-stunned meat!
While the Qur’an Majeed in few places praises those who spend their Ashaar (Sehri time) in Istighfaar, it definitely is silly to be spending Sehri and Iftaar at padel courts. Many Ulama have opined that moments before Iftaar, Du’as are accepted. Special Mercies of Allah Ta’ala descends and envelopes those partaking of Sehri. Just imagine, those moments are spent at some padel courts! If that is not the height of foolishness, then what is?
Padel courts – all of them – should be totally SHUT DOWN, especially in the month of Ramadhaan. Muslims should boycott ALL such dens of futility and play. It is Haraam to support such courts, especially in the Sacred and Accepted moments of Ramadhaan!
Our senior Ulama have mentioned that there really is some Shaitaaniyat in this padel Fitnah. And look at how Shaitaan’s influence in them is seen! In Ramadhaan, the Shayaateen are locked, however, their baits and influences are left behind. And for this padel Fitnah to go to such extremes in Ramadhaan clearly shows the Shaitaani influence present in this evil and Fitnah.
- In Durr Manthur it is reported from Hazrat Aisha (Radhiyllahu anha) that, when Ramadhaan appeared, the colour of Rasulullah’s face used to change. He then used to increase his Salaat, become even more humble in his Du’as and exhibit even more fear of Allah.
Note: While the above was the condition of Nabi (Sallalahu alaihi wasallam) who was the beloved of Allah Ta’ala, how can we have time to frequent padel courts in the month of Ramadhaan? It is really a sign of lacking in respect and love for the month of Ramadhaan to engage in such Haraam and crazy entertainment and immodesty.
- Further, it is stated that the angels carrying the Throne are commanded in Ramadhaan to leave aside everything else and say Aameen to the Du’as of those who fast.
Note: While the Special Angels carrying the Throne are commanded to say ‘Aameen’ in the heavens to the Du’as of the fasting persons, here on earth we have arranged an air-conditioned den of entertainment in order ‘to forget that we are fasting’. Then what Du’as will those who forget that they are fasting, make? What Du’as will be made at the evil padel courts which have many females dressed in tight-fitting and body-revealing clothing compared to the Du’as made in the Pure Masaajid and at home?
- Ibn Masood (Radhiyallahu anhu) reports that on every night of Ramadhaan, a crier from the heavens calls out: “O You seeker of good, come near! O You seeker of evil, turn away (from evil) and open your eyes!” Thereafter that angel calls out: “Is there any seeker of forgiveness, that he may be forgiven? Is there anyone making Du’a, that his Du’a may be heard (answered)? Is there anyone wanting anything, so that his wish may be fulfilled?”
Note: Just imagine all the above blank cheques of acceptance of Du’as, fulfilments of needs, etc. are falling on the deaf ears of the padel players!
- There are many other (Ahaadith) stating that the Du’a of a fasting person is accepted (Mustajaab). In one Hadith, we read that the Du’a is accepted at the time of Iftaar, but we are generally so absorbed in eating that we neglect this opportunity…
Note: Here Hazrat Shaykh Zakariya (Rahmatullahi alaih) laments on neglecting Du’as at the time of Iftaar (i.e. moments before Iftaar) due to food. How much more he would have lamented had he heard that the Ummah have installed air-conditioned padel courts and are operating them 24-hrs in the entire Ramadhaan! To Allah is our complaint!
- The month of Ramadhaan, the month of blessings has come to you, wherein Allah turns towards you and sends down to you His special Mercy, forgives your faults, accepts (your) Du’as, appreciates your competition for the greatest good and boasts to the angels about you. So, show to Allah your righteousness; for verily, the most pitiable and unfortunate one is he who is deprived of Allah’s Mercy in this month. (Hadith number four)
Note: The next point is Hazrat Shaykh’s comments under the above Hadith Shareef
- In this Hadith, we read about the spirit of competition among the believers, each one trying to do more good deeds than the other. In our own home, I am greatly pleased on seeing how even the womenfolk vie with each other, the one trying to recite more of the Qur’an than the others, so that, in spite of domestic responsibilities, fifteen to twenty Juz (parts) of the Qur’an are read by each one daily.
Note: However, instead of the spirit of competition in A’maal in the month of Ramadhaan, we are more interested in padel and the Shaitaani effects of the padel matches, tournaments, etc.
By frequenting the padel courts in Ramadhan, how many Juz and Qur’an-Khatams will one make in Ramadhaan? How much would Hazrat Shaykh Zakaria’s womenfolk have lamented who used to recite 15 to 20 Juz per day, had they seen the ladies and man of this era spending their time – days and nights, Sehris and Iftaars – at the padel courts?
What justice can Salaah facilities provided at the padel dens of Shaitaani-influence do to the Masaajid? Are we bartering away the Pure Houses of Allah Ta’ala in lieu of evil and Shaitaani padel courts and dens of vice?
May Allah Ta’ala protect us from such amusements, especially in the month of Ramadhaan, Aameen.
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