Dear respected visitor Please note, the articles reflected here are from our Amr bil Ma’roof Nahi anil Munkar Dept. All…
Hazrat Ibrahim Khawwaas Rahmatullahi alaih said: “A man does not become an Aalim (Moulana/Mufti) with only textual (book/Kitaab) knowledge. In…
Question: Is it part of the Sunnah to give gifts on 10th Muharram? Today it is a custom. Many Muslims…
A wonderful saying of Ml Ashraf Ali Thanwi Rahmatullahi Alaih “Our knowledge is nothing. Why did those who are senior to…
Why is EVERYTHING unislamic so appealing to the Ummah ??? The sad reality is that even though many of us…
Nowadays, we often hear the complaint that Ulama are disunited. We are accused by the laymen of splitting up the…
The Month of Muharram heralds the commencement of the new Islamic year. During this month the 10th Day is called…
You are what you eat! Imaam Abu Muhammad Al-Juwayni (رحمه الله) was a great ‘Aalim (scholar of the Religion)…
Hazrat Maalik bin Dinaar Rahmatullahi alaih said that in the Taurah it is recorded that a lover of gold and…