While we all are sinful, and daily we commit many, many sins, we should however, endeavor to abstain from 10…
“The Fuqaha have unanimously agreed (enacted Ijmaa`) that indeed there is no concession for Ash-shawaabb to emerge (khurooj) for Jumu`ah, Eidayn and any Salaah because of the statement of Allah Ta`ala:
‘(And (O Women) remain firmly in your homes).’
Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “Whoever stands up (in worship) in the nights preceding the two Eids expecting reward from his Sustainer, his heart will not die when other hearts will die (i.e. he will have no fear on the Day of Qiyaamah when hearts will be filled with terror).” (Ibn Maajah)
In other countries, when the scholars of Baatil promote Baatil, there is barely any opposition. Thus, Baatil gains some grounds. In SA, Alhamdulillah, we have the fraternity of the Ulama-e-Haq who, speak out, write out, conduct special programs to alert and inform the Ummah of the Baatil promoted by Baatil scholars. Hence, the fraternity of Baatil scholars, also known as the Ulama-e-government, are unable to gain control over the Muslim masses in SA, to lead them into a totally diluted and watered down Islaam. And this is also another reason to reverberate in the hearts of every reader, ‘REJOICE, O UMMAH!’
Iftaar must necessarily be in simple Sunnah style and with the mind focused at that time on Allah Ta’ala, taking His Name with each date consumed and with each sip of water. That is Iftaar. All other ways and functions are inspirations of Iblees.
Braais – whether cloaked with the word ‘Taraweeh’ or ‘Khatam’ – in the Month of Ramadhaan are ‘super-spreader’ events of ‘Laa-Ya’nee’ – Futility!
Stunned-meat which is sizzling on the braai stove at the ‘Khatam-braai’ event is worse than the most lethal poison for one’s spiritual health, the negative effects of which could be noticed the moment Ramadhaan is over!
Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “Verily, Allah and His Angels send Blessings on those who partake of Suhoor.” NOTE: Suhoor,…
Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “You must partake of Suhoor, for it is a blessed meal.” (Nasaai’) Together with our physical…
“Ramadhaan is not the month to BRAAI and FRY. It is a month to CRY. Otherwise, on the Day of Qiyaamah, your book of deeds will be DRY. And (then) you wont get the chance to give it another TRY.” (Hazrat Moulana Dawood Seedat Hafizahullah)
It is Haraam to send your Fitrah (or any other contributions!) to UUCSA (united ulama council of South Africa – besides two of their bodies), this includes: (Remember: Their moonsighting (even Eid moon) is NOT accepted!)