Abstain from all such and other merrymaking shows which are mere entertainment for us. Imagine how weak we have become, while bombs are falling on Gaza, we are drunk in entertainment such as the above. The phrase ‘for Palestine’ is a Shaitaani deception. In the name of Palestine, we deem to regard sports, play, walks, etc. to be Halaal? In the name of Palestine have we found an opportunity to gratify our Nafs by indulging in entertainment, then soothing ourselves with the term ‘for Palestine’.
…it is satanically wonderful that the morons of our time suddenly present the erroneous views and practices of some of our senior Ulama to vindicate their haraam participation in haraam kuffaar style protest activities. These morons do not advertise the true lifestyle of these seniors who have erred on the political score. Besides their massive political blunders, these Akaabir were extremely orthodox and strict in the observance of the Sunnah.
Missing Takbeer Ula for no valid reason is a major sin. They learn only Qur‘aan and Hadith, yet the importance of Salaat has not registered in their minds.
GHUSL FOR A TRANSGENDER? WHO SHOULD GIVE THE GHUSL? Question Who should give ghusl to a transgender Muslim? The MJC…
We wish to apprize the Deen Team of their 40-day Haraam Fajr competition to be going against the warning of SHIRK by Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam). How then can they be ‘Deen’, if their doings are contrary to the teachings of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam)?
With regards to the Haraam centenary Tashabbu-bil-Kuffaar (mimicking the Kuffaar) celebrations of JUSA – the anti-Masjid, anti-Haq, pro-interfaithers and pro-demolishers of Islaam organisation in SA – the following points should bring much joy to the Ummah and to the Haq-loving Muslims. Don’t worry about the name-dropping tactics of JUSA, rather focus on the facts regarding their Haraam centenary celebrations.
Are Centenary Celebrations Halaal? QUESTION: Is it permissible for an Islamic organization to host a centenary celebration? ANSWER: Another word…
South Africa has many, many senior Ulama-e-Haq who studied in Deoband, Jalalabad, Binnori Town, etc. Why does JUSA hanker after overseas imported scholars to their venues, celebrations and Haraam anniversaries? Simple, because our honourable local senior Ulama who studied at such institutions stand for the Haq. Obviously, JUSA’s doings are anti-Haq, hence they are in a desperate need to call scholars of their ilk.
Noteworthy is the fact that the old-JUSA’s Ulama-e-Haq of that time never have much proficiency in the English or Akrikaans language. Yet, they fought the apartheid government. They perhaps couldn’t speak in flowery language like that of today’s modern JUSA’s Ulama-e-government, nor did they sit in TV studios side-by-side with ladies, nor did they have panel discussions on Radio so-called ‘Islam’ with women who are part of the panellists, nor did they have Haraam pictographic zoom webinars like the modern JUSA’s scholars have today. The one thing for sure which they had was that THEY WERE ON HAQ
Such a woman of Jannah has been promised by Allah His Forgiveness and an immense reward!