Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubaarak was also a judge. Once, a case regarding the king’s wife and a peasant came to…
Hadhrat Moulana Maseehullah Khan Rahmatullahi Alaihi said in a gathering: “There is still the smell of shierk being emitted! It…
Muslims who wish to contribute should strictly contribute to reliable organizations. It is Haraam to contribute even for the earthquake-relief work to organizations and Ulama that closed or supported the closure of the Masaajid during covid. If they couldn’t uphold the Haq of Allah’s Houses during the PLANdemic, how can we trust them to fulfil the right (Haq) of our contributions?
Beef and mutton animals are generally stunned prior to slaughter at abattoirs. Numerous animals (especially chickens) are killed prior to slaughter by the Haraam stunning process at these plants.
In Islam, it is Haraam to inflict any injury to animals prior to slaughtering them.
Muhaddith Sayyid Muhammad Bin Ja’far Al-Kattaani (Rahimahullah) has exhausted in his Ad-Di’aamah the Ahaadith showing the extent of the constancy of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) in wearing a topi with and without an amaamah (turban) and the statements of the Ulama in this regard…
It is an imperative aspect in terms of Islam to learn one’s Deen from reliable sources – Ulama who are synchronized to the Haq. Hence, abstain from attending such functions and Jalsahs where modern-minded scholars preach while being videoed and attempt to subtly interfere in the Laws of the 1400 year old Golden Deen of Islam
Whilst lecturing at the Rand Afrikaans university, a professor acknowledged that as long the Makatib system is in place the Muslims will thrive as a Muslim community. If the Makatibs are removed the Muslims will be a professional community as they are businessmen by nature. There is plenty of work in the work of Dawat and Tabligh, but if it is not coupled with the Maktab system then there is a fear of great danger of the Salafis ruining all the effort that was made
It never was the style of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) nor of the Sahaabah nor of the Ambiyaa nor of the entire Ummah down the long corridor of Islam’s history to perform Salaat with kurtahs with such short sleeves which expose the elbows
The Topi – The Sunnah Headgear The Topi (Islamic Headgear) is of utmost importance, not only during Salaat, but at…