Shaitaan is the manager of ALL world cups of all variants – not only the 2022 FIFA world cup in Qatar. Shaitaan is also the manager of ALL Kuffar sports of all sorts, even the ones played at ‘Muslim’ schools. Shaitaan is the ‘mastermind’ behind the entire sports industry. Through sports, he has achieved his goal of causing people to lose their Imaan!
It is an accepted fact that the soccer players wear kits. The ‘trousers’ of these kits are ‘shorts’, which reveal their knees. In Islam – the True and Correct Deen of Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam and NOT the watered down Deen of the modernists, TV-scholars, interfaith-scholars, sport-scholars, matric well-wishing scholars, etc. – teaches us that the KNEES should be covered as they are regarded as SATR
Our beloved Rasool (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) for whom our lives may be sacrificed already taught the Ummah about this by making it a Sunnah to retire to bed early after Esha! Engaging in futility, which includes jokes, comedy shows, films and movies, screen-time, etc. till late-night, is destructive and detrimental to one’s spiritual health and physical health. Late sleeping at night contributes to the empty Masaajid Fajr time!
Islam and the Sunnah of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) have not left us ‘in the dark’ regarding the night. A Muslim should endeavour to spend his / her night the Sunnah way in order to gain maximum benefit. For indeed, there is nothing but benefit in following the Precious and Golden Sunnats of our beloved Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam).
Interfaith is a bait of Shaitaan to snatch one’s Imaan! Don’t be trapped by this bait where one will risk losing one’s Imaan!
“Whoever imitates a nation is one of them!” (Hadith-Abu Da’oud).
The only way to get the youth to the Masjid is the Sunnah-Way. That is, from the age of 7, parents start encouraging their children read Salaah. Then, at the age of 10, the father should ensure he takes his son to the Masjid while the mother sees that he daughter reads her Salaah punctually in the house
The answer to ALL your questions asked is simply ‘NO’. In the Hadith Shareef, Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) has warned us that we will be raised on the Day of Qiyaamah with whom we loved (and imitated in this world).
The Ulama-e-Haq will never endorse such Kuffar-sports and Haraam tournaments. Such Shaitaani activities held by Muslims is a disgrace to themselves, not to Islaam, as Islaam doesn’t endorse such Haraam
Question: Since it is the month of Rabiul-Awwal, there are talks given on the Seerat of Hazrat Muhammed Mustafaa Sallallahu…