What is Televangelism? Televangelism: ‘the activity of preaching (=giving religious speeches) on television in order to persuade people to…
Brothers-in-Law Someone asked Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) regarding observance of purdah/hijaab for the brother-in-law. Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “The…
MIXED “ISLAMIC” FUNCTIONS By Maulana Yunus Patel (Rahmatullahi ‘alayh) There is a sickness in society which has now reached epic…
QUESTION: Below is a picture of the 2025 Seerah Jalsah. The date of the Seerah Jalsah is 31 January 2025.…
Rajab – A Month To Plant Seeds Of A’maal Sha’baan – A Month To Water The Seeds Ramadhaan – A…
Rajab, the Month of Aligning With the dawn of the Sacred Month of Rajab, the mind-set and focus of Muslims…
Cinema Style Nurul-Islam Masjid – A Stepping Stone In Turning The Masaajid Into Future Cinema Setups – BEWARE! Allah Ta’ala…
A KIND REMINDER TO THE UMMAH… Do not ruin your Ibaadat – Taraweeh, Fasting, Du’a, Thikrullah, Tilaawat, Tahajjud, Nafl Salaah…
QUESTION: Regarding a Radio Islam Molvi whose videos are made available on social media, Muslim sisters at times also post…
QUESTION: Please advice on enrolling a child into an online Madrasah. Or should I only consider an onsite Madrasah? Online…