Our beloved Rasool (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) used three fingers while eating Using 3 fingers (thumb, forefinger & the middle finger)…
Replace pharmaceuticals with the real thing & get real benefits. The best way to combat a cold, high fever, congestion,…
‘Mendhi’ Night Is HARAAM – It Taints One’s Imaan! QUESTION: Recently a Mufti Saab cancelled a Nikaah that was supposed…
Saudi Satanic Soundstorm Music Festival Storming the ears with Haraam satanic music Saudi Arabia will be hosting a 4 day…
All Covid Variants, Viruses & Sicknesses Are NOT Contagious Even If Virologists & Professors Say They Are – “LAA ADWAA”,…
A Team Of Play Dressing Itself In Deeni Attire – How Then Can They Ever Be Called ‘Deen’? QUESTION: A…
Covid’s Attack On Religion – Is Covid Engineered To Be Anti-Religious? The following is observed upon a closer look: It…
Once when Hazrat Haatim Asam (Rahmatullahi alaih) passed by a gathering of Ulama, he said: “If three things are not…
Hazrat Ibn Umar (Radhiyallahu anhu) narrates: “Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: ‘When you see those who abuse my Sahaabah, then…
France Deploys Military Police To Caribbean Islands Amid Unrest Over Vaccine Mandate BY TYLER DURDEN WEDNESDAY, DEC 01, 2021 –…