Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “I take an oath by The Being Who has sent me with the Truth (of Islam)!…
While almost every Muslim is present for the Jumu’ah Salaah, many are neglectful of the Khutbah. The Jumu’ah Khutbah is…
Allaamah Abdul Wahhaab Sha’raani (Rahmatullah alayh) said: “O my Brother! Beware of consuming what is not Halaal. Consuming what is…
A Buzrug (who was unaware of the Mas’alah) had kept a dog. A Moulana informed him of the prohibition. The Buzrug,…
Explaining The meaning of Taubah Nasooh (a sincere repentance) mentioned in the Qur’aan Majeed, Hadhrat Yahya Bin Muaath (Rahmatullah alayh)…
“The heart of the one who consumes doubtful food for forty days, darkens. This is the meaning of Allah’s statement…
“There are three signs of the darkness of the heart: 1. Lacking fear for commission of sin 2. No inclination…
Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “The noblest Jihad is to proclaim the truth to a tyrannical ruler.” The tyranny and…