Please take me back to the old times; when the Moms were at home, Dads were at work, brothers were Muslim knights and sisters got married BEFORE having children!

I mean the glorious old times when CRIME did not pay; HARD WORK did; and people knew the difference.

These were the civilized times when the rich were generous, the poor were pious; Moms could cook; Dads could work; Children could behave, Husbands were loving; Wives were supportive and the children were polite.

For in those days women wore the dresses; and men wore the trousers. The women looked like ladies; men looked like gentlemen; and children looked decent.

The people of those days loved the truth, and hated a lie; they came to Masjids to get IN and not to get OUT!

The Sermons proved helpful; Rejoicing was reasonable; crying was sincere,; Cursing was wicked; Alcoholism was evil and divorce was unthinkable.

In those old times, we were not shy of reading the Qur’aan in public; not barred from Praying Salaah in school and never scorned for reminding fellow Muslims the words of Allaah. To be called a Muslim was worth living for !

The Preachers preached because they were concerned . They read, understood, digested and acted on their words:; hence deserving leadership .

Leaders of the old times gave instructions with the fear of Allaah, Followers followed the rules and regulations of the Allaah the Supreme, and the Sinners sought forgiveness from their Lord.

The Law was based on how Qur’aan spelt it and not how the secular constitution conjectures. These laws were common knowledge as they were common sense taught in Homes by those luminaries enlightened with Qur’aan and Hadith. The Masjids were Universities that taught the Qur’aan and the ways of the prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam). Then we had the genuine Shaikhs that were more interested in new reverts than new clothes , new cars etc and the students were real knowledge seekers who were more interested in reflecting on both the metaphysical and physical sciences than aping the secular satanists.

Give me that old time religion! For it is what my heart cherishes . The old time religion is good enough for me as it alone gives me the INNER PEACE. I still like the Old Path.


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