A Poem for Rasoolullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam

O, how my heart yearns To see the one Called the Best of Creation!

To sit by his noble feet And feel the tranquility That radiates from His blessed body

O, how my heart aches To see the one who will saved Mankind through his intercession On Judgment Day

His blessed words Were like rains from the heavens His manners were Absolute and complete perfection

O, how my heart bleeds For I have this desperate need To feel his presence and His blessings, indeed!

Every action of his was filled with Barakah, blessings Every inch of him shone with Noor, light A sigh of longing escapes from my lips How I would love to see this sight!

O, how my heart longs To be near the one Who brought hope to a place Where hopelessness reigned

To his Creator he had A flawless submission His perfect existence Transcends human definition

Though I, in vain, attempt To praise him and his perfect behavior Surely no one can praise him betterThan his own Maker:

Ya HabibAllah, the Beloved of Allah!Ya Khaira Khalqillah the Best of Allah’s Creation! Ya Rasulullah, Messenger of Allah!

My eyes cannot help but cry Bitter tears as I realize My pitiful state of love For the Beloved of Allah!

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