Poem On Modern Day Haraam Weddings

Imam who tried to stay true to his Imaan

Attending Nikaah of suposed to be , Islamic way ,
I want to explain the reason I couldn’t stay .

Music welcomed couple, as they entered,
I started making Tawba , Astagfirullah how did I attended?

I don’t know the difference between Bieber and Zain,
Music of all kind is haraam , understand , this is very plain.

I had to decide to walk out and make Allah pleased,
Or stay and go with the flow from Shariah relised.

To remain seated and pretend there is no harm,
Yet on the mimbar, I say music is haraam.

If I leave the function, the anger host will show,
But if I remain, I gave Islam a blow .

O hypocrite! Man of double standard! people have right to shout at me
My sermons will be devoyed of Hidayat, from Ikhas I will be free.

I hope you understand my dilemma I am standing,
But can we care for people and their kind of branding .

We grace the Nikaah with recitations from the Qur’aan,
Not in a manner of Shariah, but to please Shaytaan.

Just as haram wealth, cannot be earned with Niyyah of charity,
So too Qur’aanic recitation with music is a blasphemy!

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