Qillat-e-Manaam – Less Sleep


In taqleel-e-manaam the Shariat does not stop at mere wakefulness but instructs the observance of Ibaadat during the time of wakefulness.

Allah Ta’ala praises pious servants in the Qur’aan:

“In the latter part of the night they make Istighfaar.”

Elsewhere in the Qur’aan it is said:

“They separate their sides from the beds calling their Rabb in fear and hope…”

In other words, they perform Salaat during the night.

However, the trend of the Aayat comprehends all forms of Ibaadat, hence it applies to Dua and Zikr as well.

Furthermore, besides the Deeni benefits in sleeping less, the physical heart also benefits.

Less sleep creates Noor (celestial light) on the face.

The following is the statement of a Muhaddith in this regard:

“The face of one who performs Salaat in abundance during the night becomes beautiful during the day.”

Excessive sleep is detrimental to the physical health as well.

It reduces or stunts the capacity of contemplation in a person.

This in turn brings about harm in both Deeni and worldly activities.

A person who is given to excessive sleeping is never able to be punctual in time.