Rajab Moon Confusion?

Question: Kindly comment on the Rajab moon confusion. You sent your message of the moon to be sighted, yet UUCSA sent their announcement on social media as well as on radio stations that the moon was NOT sighted. The Ummah is confused, please clarify.

Answer: With confidence we state once more that the Hilaal for the month of Rajab 1440 WAS sighted and Rajab began on 7 March 2019 from Maghrib. 

The following Ulama who we have confidence in, confirmed the Hilaal to be sighted in Groblershoop (Northern Cape):

  1. Jamiatul-Ulama Northern Cape – They sighted the moon and we were in contact with them personally.
  2. Jamiatul-Ulama Western Cape
  3. Jamiat Joburg
  4. Majlisul-Ulama Hilaal Committee
  5. Custodians of the Haq
  6. Mufti AK Hoosen

The above Ulama are clear on the positivity of Rajab to begin on 7 March 2019, from Maghrib.

If need be, we will issue future article/s on this issue.

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