Ramadhaan Preps (1) [Halaal Food]

7 Rajab 1440 / 14 March 2019

Preparation for Ramadhaan Series (1)

The importance of eating Halaal food

Allah Ta’ala announces in His Kalaam to all Ambiya: “O Rusul (Messengers)! Eat of the wholesome food and do righteous deeds.” (Noor)

Alhmdulillah, we are in the Sacred Month of Rajab. Just like businessmen prepare well in advance for a busy period, so too, should Muslims be engaged and in preparation for the Great Months which are soon to come, Insha Allah.

Indeed, the month of Ramadhaan is an excellent opportunity in which Muslims can bond with their Creator – Allah Ta’ala. However, advanced preparations, in terms of Ibaadat, Thikr, Nafl etc. are required in order for Sha’baan as well as Ramadhaan to bear ripe and fresh fruits.

It is imperative to take note that we should change few things immediately, or at least, in Rajab, so that Sha’baan and Ramadhaan, as well as our future can be changed, Insha Allah.

The culture currently in Muslim homes is that Ramadhaan cannot come unless there are enough savouries ready. The current days are busy days for this preparations. Muslims order their fillets and mince etc. in order to make a variety of savouries such as samoosas, spring-rolls, half-moons, bajyas etc.

Be that as it may, it is indeed necessary to note that one purchases ONLY Halaal and Tayyib meat fillings (fillets, mince, steaks etc.). Do not be hoodwinked by a ‘Halaal’ logo with a name of some certifying body and think all is ok and Halaal.

Prominent and senior Ulama have notified the Ummah in the past of commercial chickens and other similar plants which are supposed to be ‘Halaal’, yet they were totally Haraam. The chicknes at these slaughtering plants undergo much Zulm (oppression) before slaughtering. They are shackled upside down on a conveyor belt, dipped in electrocuted-water, with a high-speed line they race pass about four slaughterers at approximately 30+ chickens per minute which disallows slaughterers from reciting Tasmiyyah properly, sharpening knives etc.

 If a slaughterer sharpens his knife, what happens to the chickens he was supposed to slaughter which zooms pass him on the high-speed line? Do they go to the scalding tank alive??? Rendering some chickens as carrion (Maitah) which is totally Haraam as declared by the Qur’an Majeed?!

This is just the basic slaughtering which already raises many question in the mind of the Ummah. Hence, the Halaal logos are not to be trusted. Many Ulama have branded these commercially slaughtered chickens as Haraam. May Allah Ta’ala grant Hidaayat to the certifiers to do what is correct and certify only genuine Halaal and Tayyib, Aameen.

Remember, our elders have warned of grave spiritual darkness which occur on the heart, which affects all other organs and even body parts, when we consume Haraam as well as doubtful (Mushtabah) foods.

The current commercial chickens in SA such as Rainbow, Early-Bird etc. as well as Take-Aways and restaurants which obtain their meats from such plants and abattoirs are Haraam for a number of reasons. Don’t rely and place all dependence on a ‘Halaal’ logo which represents a certifying body of SA.

Therefore, our appeal and reminder to the Ummah is that double-check and ensure the meats purchased for your Ramadhaan savouries are genuinely Halaal. Let us not ruin this Ramadhaan by fasting during the day, while devouring Haraam during the night.

Haraam food, especially in Ramadhaan, is an obstacle to virtues deeds. Istiqaamat, Ikhlaas, Taqwa and other similar good qualities are demolished by Haraam food.

It is therefore our earnest appeal to the Ummah to rather purchase meats from reliable sources, who slaughter properly according to the Thabah (slaughtering) method of the Shari’ah, and sell privately on a micro-scale.

When it comes to commercial, we looking at quantity. In quantity at chicken plants which are Kuffaar owned, they have their quotas to meet per day. Among the main problem at commercial chicken plants which are certified by Muslim bodies, is the extremely fast line-speed which does not allow the slaughterers to recite Bismillah upon every chicken, while it (the fast line) allows the Kuffaar to meet their quota for the day.

May Allah Ta’ala make our eyes open and accept the reality, Aameen.

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