Rasulullah’s Advice To Hazrat Anas Bin Maalik

Once Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) offered the following Naseehat to Hadhrat Anas Bin Maalik (Radhiyallahu anhu):

“O Anas! Make a proper Wudhu, then there will be Barkat in your life and the Recording Angels will love you.

Make a thorough Ghusl-e-Janaabat. Under every hair is impurity. Sins will then be forgiven.

Perform Salaatul Dhuhaa (Chast Salaah) constantly. This is the special Salaat of repenters.

Perform Salaat. Perform Salaat day and night punctually. The Angels will make Du’a for you.

Perform Salaat correctly, for Allah loves such a Salaat.

If you can, always remain with Wudhu. You will then not forget to recite Kalimah Shahaadat at the time of Maut.

When entering the home, greet the inmates of the home (i.e. Say: Assalamu Alaikum). This brings Barkat in the home.

Greet every Muslim in the road. This results in sweetness of Imaan. And forgiveness for the sins committed in that road.

Never entertain envy nor harbour malice for any Muslim for even a moment.

This is my way. Whoever adopts my way loves me. He will be with me in Jannat.

O Anas! If you guard this Naseehat of mine and act accordingly, then Maut will become beloved to you. In Maut is hidden peace for you.”

(Source: The Majlis, vol 25, no. 2)

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