Sadaqatul-Fitr (Fitrah)
Alert! Beware! Ensure Your Fitrah Is Discharged Correctly – In Accordance To The Shari’ah!
As the day of Eid-ul-Fitr is fast approaching, Muslims around the country are preparing to discharge their Sadaqatul-Fitr (Fitrah). Sadaqatul-Fitr can also be called Fitrah – both mean the same thing.
We would like to highlight to the Muslim community of South Africa the following important points to ensure that your Waajib Fitrah is discharged Islamically.
The ideal manner of discharging your Fitrah
Since there is some time before the day of Eid, we urge you to obtain a reliable Kitaab that discusses the Laws and Rules pertaining to Sadaqatul-Fitr (Fitrah).
Learn those Masaa’il. Learn who are the recipients of Sadaqatul-Fitr. Accordingly, discharge your family’s Fitrah yourself – as far as possible.
Two popular Kitaabs which detail these Masaa’il are Bashti-Zewar (Heveanly Ornaments) and Kitaabus-Saum. If you don’t have a hard-copy, download a digital PDF copy. For researching any Dunya-related issue, we manage to find time, internet-data and the appropriate websites to go on, so this should not be a big issue.
Alternative manner of discharging your Fitrah
If, due to whatever reasons, you are unable to discharge Fitrah personally, then the alternative is to send your money to reliable and trustworthy organisations and/or institutes. Look for religious (Deendaar) and pious Ulama who are collecting Fitrah money, who adhere to the Laws of the Shari’ah in their doings at all times.
Whatever you do, please ensure that your Fitrah money is handled by Ulama who fear Allah Ta’ala, adhere to the Sunnats of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and abide by the Laws of Deen, especially: Hijaab, abstaining from pictography an having a clear stance regarding the Shi’as, just to mention a few essentials.
Haraam manner of discharging your Fitrah – Fitrah will NOT be discharged Islamically in this manner!
It is Haraam to send your Fitrah (or any other contributions!) to UUCSA (united ulama council of South Africa – besides two of their bodies), this includes: (Remember: Their moonsighting (even Eid moon) is NOT accepted!)
- Jamiat of Fordsburg, and ALL organisations under this ‘Jamiat’
- ALL Jamiatul-Ulama South Africa offices/branches in the various towns and provinces across South Africa
- MJC (Muslim Judical Council in Cape Town) and any group that operates under them
- Radio Islam
- Any other organisation or group or Molvi that openly, flagrantly and audaciously acts in contrary to any Law of the Deen and justify their sins which they commit in public.
The Enemies of Allah – Friends of the Kuffar – i.e. UUCSA (besides two bodies), their secretary general, their president, their radio (Haraam TV included) and anyone else who called/calls for the SHUTTING of the Masaajid/Eidgah and who does not make clear the status of the Shi’as (whether they are Kaafir or not) are unreliable scholars who lost ALL Deeni credentials! Sadaqatul-Fitr or Fitrah can NOT be given to such ‘Ulama’-e-government! How can we trust they will discharge our Waajib Fitrah according to the Shari’ah???
Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “The fast remains suspended between heaven and earth until the Fitrah is paid.”