Salaah With A Mask

16 Rabi-ul-Aakhir 1442 / 2 December 2020

Salaah With A Harmful Mask

Reading Salaah Like A Tsotsi – Thief, Dief[1], Skelm[2], Chor[3]!      

Beautifully calling on one and all to follow the footsteps of the pious – those who follow the Shari’ah and who give preference to the Shari’ah’s Divine and Unchanged Protocols over the senseless man-made protocols of the atheists, governments and the Kuffar which are bound to be erroneous – Allah Ta’ala commands:

“And FOLLOW the way of the one who has turned himself towards Me (Allah).” (Luqman, 15)

In the following Aayat of the Qur’an Majeed, Allah Ta’ala assures Divine Guarantee – unlike the flimsy man-made / atheist-made / Kuffar-made protocols that are based on probable ‘guarantee’ in following them – of finding oneself Enveloped in Allah’s Love if one simply obeys His Rasool (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam):

“If you love Allah, then follow me (Rasoolullah), Allah will (in turn) love you and forgive your sins.” (Aal-Imraan, 31)

The following Hadith Shareef which is recorded in two famous Hadith Kitaabs that are taught in the Dorah Shareef (final year) in every Darul Uloom, declares:

Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) forbade that a man should cover his mouth in Salaah. (Abu Dawood Shareef and Ibn Maajah Shareef – both Kitaabs have similar wordings)                                                                     

Following the above Hadith will in turn entitle one to be of those who follow Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam). And in following Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam), one courts Allah’s Love as per the Qur’anic Aayat mentioned above (Aal-Imraan, 31).

Remember, every single Aalim that qualifies in South Africa studies the above Hadith Kitaabs. It is unfortunate and sad to note how certain ‘Shaykhs’ and ‘Ulama’ have given preference to the flimsy anti-Sunnah protocols designed by people who don’t even wash themselves after urinating and after passing stool, not to forget their perpetual state of wallowing in Janaabat. These man-made protocols are put in place to de-sensitize Muslims from following the Sunnah!

However, very unfortunately, it seems that ‘conveniently’ or ‘coincidentally’, these Ahaadith have been ‘swept under the rug’ (i.e. purposely ignored) by even the Ulama in an attempt to seemingly ‘curry favour with the Kuffar government’ that does not even have the welfare of its citizens at heart! How lamentable!?

The above Hadith clearly states that it is PROHIBITED to cover one’s mouth in Salaah. Yet, Masjids that are run by modern-thinking men and which appear to be influenced by the so-called ‘modern-Ulama’ that were in the fore to SHUT the Masaajid in South Africa even before the oppressive and brutal lockdown, have enforced the wearing of masks vehemently. They have made the wearing of the unhealthy and Tsotsi-style masks a Shaitaani ‘license’ for entry into Allah’s Pure Houses, which is in actual fact open disobedience to Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam)’s instruction! With what guts can a ‘Muslim’ demand the following of the brain damaging rule of Shaitaan, i.e. ‘no mask, no entry’, in Allah’s Houses (Masaajid)? How then will one gain Allah’s love if such disobedience to His Rasool’s Mubaarak words is shown, and that too, in the Masjid, and that too, for Salaah?

Those who have perhaps become brainwashed by these so-called Ulama’s ‘sweet talks’ that they ‘didn’t call for the closure of the Masaajid’, need to revisit their love for the Masaajid and ask their Imaan this question, “Is calling for the closure of the Masaajid not tantamount to the SHUTTING down of the Masaajid?” “Is passing remarks such as ‘Masaajid are the sssoooper-spreaders of the virus’ not a Shaitaani attempt to declare the Masaajid as hot spots and epicentres of the virus, thereby calling for the CLOSURE of the Masaajid?”

Insha Allah, if one possesses love for the Masaajid which is the demand of healthy Imaan, one will not fail in answering the above question correctly.

Furthermore, not even a Jaahil (ignorant) Muslim, forget a so-called ‘Ulama’ body, have the guts to twist their words and get the exact result that is achieved by SHUTTING DOWN the Masjid under the accursed banner of ‘call for the closure of the Masaajid’? If technically speaking, ‘closure’ does not mean ‘SHUTTING’ in words, then clearly, in action the very same ‘Ulama’ went to court to fight for keeping the Masaajid CLOSED!

Is this then not enough to believe and accept the lamentable fact that these so-called ‘Ulama’ were of the Shaitaani-view to SHUT the Masaajid? If anyone still requires further technicalities, then this shows his lack in accepting the bitter Haq that is as clear as daylight! One need not be a rocket scientist to comprehend this simple fact! The same applies to those who have the time to engage and correspond with these anti-Masjid and Masjid-shutting so-called ‘Ulama’. The only outcome that may be achieved in this is twisted words, technicalities and Israaf (wastage) of valuable time to cover-up their open enmity shown to all for the Masaajid and for the Ulama-e-Haq which the Ummah has seen in their court case saga! What kind of a legacy are they leaving the Ummah with???

And this – covering up and justifying with sweet and flowery language and making the Ummah forget of their major crimes against the Shari’ah – is their ‘game’ in many other un-Islamic and Haraam activities they are openly engaged in. Their appearing on the accursed, Dajjali and Shaitaani TV is just one example of how their technicalities and the (mis-)use of the word ‘Zaroorah’ (need / necessity) has boarded them onto Shaitaan’s aeroplane, heading to Azaab! The fact is as it stands that the anti-Masjid ‘Ulama’ going to the court was to fight for keeping the Masaajid SHUT! Actions speak louder than words! 

Thus, it is utterly sad to note how some Masaajid have openly disobeyed Allah’s Rasool (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) by enforcing the unhealthy, brain damaging and senseless protocols of the atheists and Kuffar of ‘no mask no entry’! The men in charge of these Masaajid should hang their heads in utter shame! Would Hazrat Umar (Radhiyallahu anhu) enter their Masjid with a mask on his face? Would the Trustees that are pro-government and pro-Bill Gates, have the guts to offer Hazrat Umar (Radhiyallahu anhu) a silly mask? Or, would his whip speak for itself? Would any Sahaabi perform Salaah with a face mask on, resembling a Tsotsi?

To the contrary, the Ulama whose ways are in conformity to Allah Ta’ala’s Laws, don’t bother to enforce such silly protocols that are more damaging to health and brains than the stupid ‘saving lives’ call of the atheists! To these Ulama-e-Haq, saving and reviving one-one Sunnah is more important than saving lives, because ultimate Najaat (Salvation) in the Aakhirah is hoped for by the observance of the Sunnats in this world. Also, following the Sunnats will – Insha Allah – group us with Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam), his Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) and ALL the great and pious personalities that were staunch followers of the Mubaarak Sunnats. To the contrary, discarding the Sunnah under the banner of ‘saving lives’ could cause us to be grouped – Na’uthu-Billah – with the atheists, Na-Paak Kuffar and ALL the people that were instrumental in causing obstacles for Mu’mineen in regard to their Ibaadat, Deen, etc.

Thus, observing the Sunnah will – Insha Allah – make our entry into Jannah easy, Aameen. See the following Hadith that guarantees this:

Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) addressing Hazrat Anas (Radhiyallahu anhu) said compassionately, “O My beloved son! He who loves my Sunnah has loved me, and he who loves me will be with me in Jannah.” (Mishkaat Shareef)

The men that have strictly enforced the protocols of ‘no mask no entry into Allah’s House’ should ask their Imaan if Allah’s Houses have a Shaitaani virus in them? Also, they are asked to kindly and strictly follow ALL the other rules and protocols of the government in every other department as well! It is unfair to Allah’s Houses that strict protocols which are anti-Sunnah are enforced in them, while the very same men that enforce these protocols of the atheists in the Masaajid, fail to follow the basic protocols in most of their lives outside the Masjid!

For instance, we ask the wealthy Trustees who drive smart, expensive and fancy cars as to whether they are strict and hell-bent in obeying the speed limits on the roads, in the same light and strictness as they are regarding following protocols in the Masaajid.

Is ‘saving lives’ only in Allah’s Houses which are frequented by the Pure and Paak Angels? Is there not ‘saving lives’ on the roads wherein thousands of lives are lost in just one holiday season – look at the accident death stats of every December? Do the Trustees and Imaams drive on the roads adhering to the speed limit and with their seatbelts on at ALL times?

In the Mubaarak words of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam), it is FORBIDDEN to cover one’s mouth with a brain-damaging Tsotsi-style mask in Salaah! ‘No mask no entry’ rule in Allah’s House is an INSULT to the Purity of the Masaajid, to the Pure Angles that are in the Masaajid and to the Constitution of Islam!

[1] Dief – Meaning: Thief, in Afrikaans.

[2] Skelm – Meaning: Thief, in Afrikaans.

[3] Chor – Meaning: Thief, in Urdu and Gujrati.

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