Few Points To Consider About The Baatil ‘Seerah’ Jalsahs Of FITNAH
All Haq-loving Mu’mineen may have already seen by now the ‘shooting in the foot’ of the Ahl-e-Seerah celebrity type scholars of the camera. Even ordinary Muslims who are non-Ulama and non-Huffaaz have seen the true (ugly) colours of the poison served in camouflaged Itr bottles at these type of Baatil ‘Seerah’ Jalsahs. Alhamdulillah!
Some points have already been discussed in our previous articles. Access our website to view the previous articles on this issue.
Let us look at the following points about this year’s FITNAH at the ‘Seerah’ Jalsah to understand the poison of these type of Baatil events of FITNAH:
- The ‘Seerah’ Jalsahs are coined to drop poisonous anti-Islamic ideas.
- If this wasn’t the case, then the “mortal Mufti” wouldn’t had made FITNAH in his oratory by apparently ‘mesmerizing’ the audience with his illogical attempt of legalizing photography which is Haraam in Deen. Alhamdulillah, this Shaitaani mesmerizing has been dealt with in our previous article.
- Why has the “mortal Mufti” discussed Masaa’il in a supposedly so-called ‘Seerah’ Jalsah? What does Seerah have to do with Masaa’il? Seerah is Seerah and Masaa’il is Masaa’il!
- Then call these gatherings at cinema-setup Mosques as ‘Masaa’il Jalsahs’, or more appropriately, ‘Fitnah Jalsahs’, and NOT ‘Seerah’ Jalsahs. It seems the word ‘Seerah’ is used as a hook to catch innocent masses who when attending such programs, will have their understanding of Deen polluted, corrupted and modernised. These Jalsahs, by celebrity-scholars, brainwashes the little correct Deeni knowledge the audience have. What a great disservice to the Ummah, disguised in the cloak of ‘Seerah’! What a great disservice to the Noble Seerah of Nabi Sallalalhu alaihi wasallam! Astaghfirullah!
- Why bluff the masses into a ‘Seerah’ talk, the objective of which is to ridicule the Haq, the Ulama-e-Haq and to water down the 1400-year-old Shari’ah?
- If it was really a ‘Seerah’ Jalsah, then why did the “mortal Mufti” delve into so much discussion and Ibaaraat to ‘shoot himself in his foot’ in a desperate attempt – by hook and by crook – to justify Haraam photography?
- As stated above, if the objective was to cause Fitnah by poisoning the minds and the understanding of the masses who then will get involved without any reservations with photography, then call it a ‘FITNAH Jalsah’, and also introduce a Q & A session where the intelligent masses will corner the “mortal Saabs (Saamps [snakes])” when posing intelligent questions.
- And in so doing, don’t be like Radio Izlam who when callers used to call in the SANHA program and corner the representative of SANHA, we heard that deliberately Radio Izlam would CUT the call and say, “Unfortunately, we have lost the caller…” So don’t shun any intelligent person’s query by shying away! Deal with it with solid Shar’i Dalaa’il!
- It shouldn’t be like the above. It should be transparent. Let the intelligent masses question and when they corner the “mortal Mufti Saabs (Saamps)”, let the truth come to light. Rather say, ‘we wrong’, instead of justifying the wrong!
- At the end of the entire FITNAH dished out by the Ahl-e-Baatil, we safely say that these type of Jalsahs are strategically designed wherein opportunities of poisoning the minds of the masses are taken advantage of. The irony is that the very same cinema-styled Mosque from where photography is justified, was the very same venue in around December 2023 wherein a senior Shaykhul-Hadith had conducted the Khatm-e-Bukhari and offered Naseehat to JUSA to stop indulging in photography. Unfortunately, his Urdu speech was made Tahreef of (misinterpreted), in fact, it wasn’t even translated into English by Ml E Bham! This clearly shows how the FITNAH ‘Seerah’ Jalsah celebrity-kind scholars of the camera are NOT AT ALL interested in the Haq!
Among the best things you can do in this era of FITNAH, is to stay very far away from Nurul-Islam Masjid and the celebrity ‘MORTAL’ scholars who are pro-photography!!!
(To read (and download) this article as PDF, please click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Seerah-Jalsah-or-FITNAH-Jalsah.pdf)