Seerah Jalsah’s “Mufti’s” Illogical Conclusion

The Baatil Seerah Jalsah’s “Mufti’s” Illogical View On Photography – Beware Of Baatil Peddled At These Pro-Dajjali “Seerah” Jalsahs!

While there are many aspects of Baatil dished out under the guise of ‘Seerah’ at the Baatil Seerah Jalsah, in this article we will touch on the brazen yet illogical claim/s made regarding Haraam photography. As the Hadith Shareef rightly mentions that certain talks are from/like Sihr (magic), it clearly comes to light in the talk of the “Mufti” who, with his lengthy Arabic citations and poetry, may have ‘mesmerized’ the audience.

However, the Deen and Ahkaam of the 1400-year-old Shari’at will NOT change even if he had to sit till Qiyaamat’s Day and harp drivel and Baatil camouflaged in his Arabic citations and misquotations of our Akaabireen, besides hurling brazen disrespect to August Personalities, the likes of Allamah Anwar Shah Kashmiri (Rahmatullahi alaih). The Hukm of the Hurmat (prohibition) of photography, which is a unanimous view of the four Mazaahib, will NOT alter in the least bit. Let the ‘mortal Mufti’ be informed of this fact!

The ‘mortal Mufti’ in a desperate attempt to legalize photography, failed to apply his logic, in the following statement said,

“…The people with the most severe punishment on the Day of Qiyaamah will be the picture maker (he quoted the Arabic text of the Hadith just before this – COH). That’s the text. However, the definition of picture when the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said it was only one opinion because at that time picture was only drawing. So there is no divine definition to the meaning Soorah … At that time, we all can understand and agree it was only drawing. There was no device, no technology…”

Firstly, Nurul-Islam Masjid, the venue of the Seerah Baatil Jalsah, very recently had a BIG SCREEN TV AT THE MIHRAAB. Hence, by hook and by crook, the ‘mortal Mufti’ desperately had to ‘justify’ the Masjid’s CINEMA SETUP when the Imaam of the Haram visited the Masjid last year. INNA-LILLAHI-WA-INNA-ILAIHI-RAAJI’OON!

Instead of taking advantage of having the attention of the listeners and setting the records Straight Islamically, in accordance to the Shari’at, by apologizing and reaffirming that CINEMA SETUPS inside Masaajid are Haraam just like how ALL photography is Haraam, the ‘mortal Mufti’ chose to once again ‘dance to the tune’ of the agenda these Seerah Jalsahs are coined for – i.e. to Dajjalize Islam by presenting a watered down version of Islam!

Secondly, let us just apply some of the logic of the mortal “Mufti” by questioning him and bringing to his attention the following pertinent brief points:

  1. O ‘Mortal Mufti’! Can we also say that the Aayat and Hadith branding liquor as Haraam are based on only the method of liquor manufactured in the past era, i.e. the era of the Noble Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum)? In our present era, with technology and machinery, liquor is made totally differently to that era, hence the liquor of our era is ‘Halaal’ since the ‘door for reflection, opinion, discussion and difference of opinion’ is open? ASTAGHFIRULLAH!!!
  2. O ‘Mortal Mufti’! Exactly in the same way can we say about our current era’s gambling? Since there were no ‘lotto vending machines’ in that era, the Ta’reef of gambling is not explicit in the Qur’an and Hadith? ASTAGHFIRULLAH!!!
  3. O ‘Mortal Mufti’! Is it true that one understands with your way of explaining the entire justification of Haraam photography in the Baatil ‘Seerah Jalsah’ that all of our Aimmah-Arba’ah; our Akaabireen; experts in Fiqh; Hadith; Tafseer; etc. had ‘erred’ by branding photography as Haraam? The same can be applied to our Esteemed Principals of the major Darul-Ulooms of SA as well as the senior and experienced Asaatizah at these Darul-Ulooms who hold the unanimous Fatwa that ALL photography/TV, etc. is Haraam? Do you say that they, despite being engrossed in teaching and issuing Fatawa for decades, have not yet ‘stumbled’ over this (il)-logical conclusion of yours which you brazenly blabbered in the Baatil ‘Seerah’ Jalsah stage?
  4. O ‘Mortal Mufti’! After ‘so many years’, you now come to the fore and unleash this ‘unique’ discovery and logic of yours?

This logic of the “Mufti” is indeed inspired by Shaitaan! It is the unanimous Fatwa of ALL our Ulama that ALL photography is Haraam!

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