Setting The Records Straight – After The FITNAH At The ‘Seerah’ Jalsah!
“And say, ‘The Haq has come and Baatil has vanished!’”
In this brief article, we wish to set the records straight regarding the Shari’i stance after the Fitnah that was dished out at the ‘Seerah’ Jalsah. We also welcome readers who have turned towards the Haq and are searching for the Haq after seeing much ‘shooting in the foot’, by the celebrity-type ‘Seerah’ Jalsah mortals, scholars and modernists. Their contradictive reasoning and logic has made intelligent Muslims understand ‘something is not right’, and thus, more Muslims are in search for the Haq, and Alahmdulillah, are turning to the Haq. Insha Allah, this brief article will reiterate the Haq regarding the Baatil served at the ‘Seerah’ Jalsah.
Let us set the records straight in the following simple points:
- ALL photography – even digital – is HARAAM.
- Keep things simple and don’t indulge in technicalities regarding ‘digital’ and not digital.
- Do a quick simple check: Is the digital pictures of this era more clearer and more realistic than the hand-drawn pictures of bygone era? Then if hand-drawn pictures are Haraam, why wouldn’t digital pictures be also Haraam?
- Streaming programs on ANY video platform, is HARAAM.
- Conducting a ‘Seerah’ or any ‘Jalsah’ on video, is HARAAM.
- TV, even so-called ‘Islamic’ TV, is HARAAM.
- It is the unanimous and accepted FATWA of the major Darul Ulooms of SA stating that ALL animate photography, videography and TV are HARAAM.
- Radio Izlam, Nurul-Islam, JUSA, UUCSA, “Mortal Mufti” Moola and ALL the ‘Seerah’ Jalsah’s ilk are unreliable in Islam.
- These individuals and groups are hell-bent in watering down the Original Shari’ah. Hence, by hook and by crook, they endeavour to make Haraam into Halaal.
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