Shi’ah Series, Part 10

5 Jamaadal-Ulaa 1440 / 12 January 2019

The Shi’ahs belief that Allah Ta’ala has erred by praising the Noble Sahaabah in the Qur’an Majeed!    

Can such a crowd ever be Muslims?

Among the vile beliefs of Shi’ahs is that Allah Azza Wa Jal also commits errors – Nauthubillah!

It is the beliefs of the Shi’ahs that Allah Ta’ala had erred in the Qur’an Majeed by proclaiming the Sahaabah to be the Inmates of Jannat.

Proclaiming the Sahaabah to be His Beloved and the Inmates of Jannat, Allah Ta’ala says in the Qur’an Majeed:

“And the Saabiqoon (the first galaxy of Sahaabah who had participated in Badr) those who were the First from among the Muhaajireen and Ansaar and those who follow them with Ihsaan – ALLAH IS WELL-PLEASED WITH THEM, and they are well-pleased with Him. HE HAS PREPARED FOR THEM SUCH ORCHARDS (in Jannat) beneath which flow rivers wherein they shall dwell forever. That is the great Success.” (At-Taubah, Aayat 100)

Never can any genuine Muslim curry-favour with the Shi’ahs. Any Muslim or Aalim who does so, shows he has some inclination of Shi’ism in his heart. Any Aalim who opts to remain silent during times in which the Shi’ah beliefs etc. have to be exposed, can never be among the Ulama-e-Haq. Any Aalim who bootlicks the Shi’ahs is from the Ulama-e-Soo’ and the Mudhilleen (one who misguides).

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