12 Thul-Qa’dah 1439/26 July 2018
Another 5 incorrect beliefs of the Shi’ahs
- No one possess complete knowledge of Holy Qur’an except Imams. (Usool Kaafi, Vol. No. 1, Page No. 228)
- Hazrat Abu Bakr (r.a) could not recite Kalma at the time of his death. (Israr-e-Muhammad, Page No. 211)
- Ali is God. (Jila-ul-Ayoun, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 66
- Shaitan was the first to have sworn the oath of allegiance from Abu Bakr in the mosque. (Israr-e-Muhammad, Page No. 30)
- Imam knows his hour of death and his death is in his control. (Usool Kaafi, Vol. No. 1, Page No. 258)
After reading the above totally incorrect beliefs the Shi’ahs have, can any sane Muslim say that when Ulama expose them, they—the Ulama, are on the wrong?
Can anyone ever support Shi’ahs who have such incorrect and Kufr beliefs? Therefore, the Cape Accord received what it deserved—A disgraceful demolishment.
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