17 Thul-Qa’dah 1439/31 July 2018
Another 5 shocking incorrect beliefs of the Shi’ahs.
Beware of the Shi’ahs, they are a danger to the Ummah!
Protect yourself and your family from the evils of Shi’ism!
The following are some dangerous, incorrect and evil beliefs the Shi’ahs have which is quoted from their own books:
- It is infidelity (Kufr) to doubt about the infidelity (Kufr) of (Hazrat) Umar (Radhiyallahu anhu). (Jila-ul-Ayoun, Page No. 63)
- According to Shia’ahs, nothing can remain hidden from the Imams. They have a complete knowledge of past, present and future. (Usool Kaafi, Vol. No. 1, Page No. 260)
- Those who deny that (Hazrat) Ali (Radhiyallahu anhu) was the first Khaleefah are infidels. (Anwaar-e-Naumania, Vol. No. 3, Page No. 264)
- (Hazrat) Aisha (Radhiyallahu anha) was an infidel. (Hayat-ul-Quloob, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 726)
- The Imam/s possesses more attributes than a Prophet possesses. (Usool Kaafi, Vol. No. 1, Page No. 388)
Can any member of the Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah curry favour with the Shi’ahs after reading their incorrect beliefs of openly declaring Hazrat Umar Radhiyallahu anhu and Hazrat Aisha Radhiyallahu anha as infidels?
It shows total lack of love for the Sahaabah if any Muslim organization or individual curry favour or sympathizes with the Shi’ahs. Yes, we don’t tolerate blood-shed, but at the same time we don’t sympathize with them by agreeing
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