Sign Petition To Open Masaajid

Alhamdulillah, AMPSA has arranged for this petition which we fully support. May Allah Ta’ala reward the lawyers and all professionals that are part of AMPSA and who have supported this stance. Kindly click on the link and spend just a few seconds to show your love for the Masaajid.

Save The Masaajid – Sign The Petition!

As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh 

We ask you to complete this petition against the oppression of the forced  closure of the Masaajid in our country.

This will take less than a minute of your time. Simply click on the link and provide the requisite details to sign the petition. 

All information will be managed and controlled.

Please share with your friends and family.

Do your part for the Masaajid – HOUSES OF ALLAAH!

Show your love, show your support, show your desire and show your Imaan!

Sign this petition, what if this petition is the means of your entry into Jannah?