Some of the sayings of Hazrat Haatim Asamm Rahmatullahi alaih

“There are five types of hearts:

(1) A dead heart. This is the heart of the kuffaar.
(2) An ailing (sick) heart. This is the heart of sinners.
(3) An oblivious heart. This is the heart of those who fill their stomachs.
(4) An inverted heart. This is the heart specifically of the Yahood.
(5) A healthy heart. This is the heart of those who are filled with fear and who are at all times eager for worship and obedience.”

“Allah Ta’ala has wrapped three things in three things:
(1) Faraaghat (leisure) in ibaadat.
(2) Ikhlaas (sincerity) in abandoning hopes in people.
(3) Freedom from divine punishment in obedience to Allah Ta’ala.”

“The pride and arrogance of the Ulama and Qurraa (qaaris) of our time exceed by far the pride and arrogance of the kings and the wealthy.”

“Do not be proud on account of your palatial mansions and orchards. There is no place more adorned and beautiful than Jannat.”

“Be alert and examine the nafs on three occasions.
(1) When you do a deed. Remember that Allah is ever present and seeing.
(2) When speaking. Remember that Allah is hearing.
(3) When being silent. Remember that He is aware of your silence (and what transpires in your heart).”

“Everything has an adornment. The adornment of Ibaadat is Khauf (Fear for Allah Ta’ala). The sign of Khauf is the absence of hope (i.e. having hope on anyone or for anything of this world).”

“If you desire to be the friend of Allah Azza Wa Jal, then be pleased with His every decree. If you desire to be recognized in the heavens, then be truthful and honour your promises.”

“Haste is from shaitaan except in five acts.
(1) Feeding the guests.
(2) Burial of the mayyit (deceased).
(3) The marriage of a baalighah girl.
(4) Payment of debt.
(5) Repenting for sins.”







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