1. Takbeer-e-Tashreeq is the name of the Takbeer recited during the Eid-ul-Adha period. The words of this Takbeer are as follows:
“Allahu-Akbar, Allahu-Akbar. Laa-ilaaha Illallaahu Wallaahu-Akbar, Allahu-Akbar Walillaahil Hamd”
Translation: Allah is the Greatest. Allah is the Greatest. There is no Deity but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest. Allah is the Greatest, and all praises are due unto Allah.
2. It is Waajib to recite this Takbeer ONCE, LOUDLY AFTER EVERY FARAZ SALAH. Any person performing a Faraz Salaah must read this Takbeer IMMEDIATELY after the completion of the Salaah, before reading any other Zhikr or Dua.
3. This Takbeer is Waajib upon the IMAM, THE MUQTADI (one following the Imam), THE MASBOOQ (one who has missed a few Rakaats of the Jamaat), AND WOMENFOLK.
4. A woman shall read the Takbeer softly, to herself, whilst all the others should read it aloud.
5. The Masbooq will read his Takbeer after completing the missed Rakaats.
6. Takbeer-e-Tashreeq starts from Fajr Salaah on the 9th Zhul-Hijja, and ends after Asr Salaah on the 13th. These five days are known as the days of Tashreeq. In total, Takbeer will be recited after 23 Faraz Salaahs.
7. The Takbeer will also be read after Juma’h and Eid Salaah, but not after Janaaza Salaah.
8. If Salaah which had become Qaza during the days of Tashreeq are filed in during the same period, the Takbeer will be read after these Qaza Salaah as well.
Besides the above, the Takbeer will not be recited after any other Qaza Salaah.
9. If the Imam forgets to say the Takbeer, the Muqtadees should not wait, but should go ahead and recite the Takbeer.
10. It is not a condition that the Takbeer be recited in chorus, i.e. all together in one voice. What is important is that each person says the Takbeer in an audible voice.
Furthermore, the Takbeer should not be read in a screaming and excessively loud manner.
11. If the Wuzu broke immediately after salaam, one should first read the Takbeer and then go to make Wuzu.
12. The Takbeer has to be recited immediately after the Faraz Salaah. However, if one forgets and engages in Zhikr or Dua, the Takbeer should be said immediately upon remembering.
As long as one did not speak to anyone, the Takbeer remains Waajib. If one had spoken or left the Masjid or place of Salaah (in case of a woman), the Takbeer can now no longer be recited. One should then make Istighfaar.
(repentance) for omitting this wajib act.
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