Some Salaat Masaa’il

Allah Ta’ala has create us and sent us into this world for only His Thikr (Remembrance). The greatest form of Thikr according to the Qur’aan Majeed is Salaat. Salaat is the central Pillar upholding our Imaan. It is of vital and imperative need to perform Salaat in full and strict accord with the Masaa-il of the Shariah. Failure to do so results in the invalidity and rejection of the Salaat with the consequence of elimination of Thawaab (reward) and punishment.

It is mentioned in the Hadith of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) that when Salaat performed in a manner which is in conflict with the Masaa-il of the Shariah proceeds upwards, the Doors of the Heaven are closed upon it. The Malaaikah then strike the deficient Salaat on to the face of its performer. It is rejected and recorded as invalid and sinful.



(1) The Dress of the Musalli MUST conform with the Sunnah. Tight pants and jeans which reveal the shape of the satr (backside) area and T-shirt are not permissible. Salaat performed with such lewd kuffaar style dress is NOT VALID. Such destroyed Salaat must be repeated.

It is necessary for those who don such ugly, immoral garments to reflect and have some shame. When they are in Sajdah, the one sitting behind has to quickly lower his gaze to avoid looking at the shape of the musalli’s backside being revealed. Fear Allah Ta’ala and have some shame for Him, for the Malaaikah and for the Musallis. Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:

“Hayaa (shame) is a branch of Imaan.”


(2) The way of standing in the Saff (Row) for Fardh Salaat is for the shoulders to physically touch. Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) had emphasized much on the shoulders TOUCHING. It is not sufficient to stand along side each other. The slightest gap between two Musallis is occupied by Shaitaan according to the Hadith. Do ensure that your shoulder physically touches the Musalli next to you.

Also, be aware that usually after rising into the second raka’t, the position of Musallis slightly shift to create a gap. This gap should be closed by moving to touch the shoulder of the one standing alongside you.

(3) It is bid’ah to shake hands in the Saff. It is queer that when meeting the same persons outside the Musjid, hands are not shaken. But when seated in the front Saff, the bid’ah practice is engaged. There is no validity in the Sunnah for this innovation.

(4) After the Fardh Salaat of Zuhr, Maghrib and Isha’, it is not permissible to engage in Thikr, Tilaawat or lengthy Duas. These should be performed after having completed the Sunnat and Nafl Salaat. Immediately after the short Dua, engage in the Sunnatul Muakkadah Salaat.

(5) The feet should strictly face the Qiblah. The feet should not be parted at different angles which creates a diversion from the Qiblah.

(6) In the last two raka’ts of Fardh Salaat, the Hanafis should not verbally recite anything. They may ‘recite’ in their minds without tongue and lip movement.