Some Sayings of Hazrat Muhammad Sammaak Rahmatullahi alaih

“The right of Tawaadhu’ (humility) is that you do not regard yourself better than any person.”

“People of former times (i.e. the Auliya) were embodiments of ‘medicine’ (spirituality – Roohaaniyat). People acquired cure (spiritual reformation) from them. On the contrary, today the people (the Shaikhs) are embodiments of disease (spiritual and moral maladies). There is no cure for their diseases.”

“The Tareeq (the Path of Tasawwuf/Moral reformation) is that you regard Allah Azza Wa Jal to be your Consoler and His Kitaab your confidante.”

“Tama’ (avarice – greed) is like a rope around your neck and a chain on your legs. Remove these fetters so that you are emancipated.”

“There was a time when it was difficult for a Waa-iz (one who gives lectures) to deliver a wa’z (a lecture) just as today it is difficult for the Ulama to make amal (i.e. to practically implement the teachings of the Deen). And, there was a time when there were few lecturers just as today there are few Ulama practicing according to their Knowledge.”

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