Some Tawaaf Rules

Q. When making Tawaaf, is it compulsory for the left shoulder to be towards the Ka’bah?
A. Yes, it is compulsory for the left shoulder to be towards the Ka’bah when making Tawaaf.

Q. Should the whole body face Hajr-e-Aswad when making Istilaam or only the hands?
A. When making Istilaam with the hands, the whole body should face Hajr-e-Aswad.

Q. After Istilaam at the beginning of each shaut (circuit), should one slightly reverse or bring the feet backwards before beginning the shaut?
A. No, you must not reverse or bring your foot backwards. Turn and carry on straight with the Tawaaf.

Q. If one mistakenly faces the Ka’bah during Tawaaf, will the Tawaaf be valid? Should one move backwards and continue the Tawaaf from that point?                                                                                                                            A. If mistakenly one faces the Ka’bah, the Tawaaf will remain valid.
One should not back pedal. However, one should recite Istighfaaar (repent and seek forgiveness).

Q. Is it permissible to look behind while making Tawaaf?
A. If there is a valid reason, one may look behind while making Tawaaf without turning the left shoulder from the Ka’bah.

Q. While making Tawaaf is it necessary to focus the eyes on the ground?
A. It is not necessary to have the eyes focused on the ground during Tawaaf.

Q. If during Tawaaf someone fell down and one faced the Ka’bah while helping the person, what is the position of the Tawaaf?
A. If you assist someone who falls, and you face the Ka’bah, that shaut (round) should be repeated. If it was not repeated, the Tawaaf will remain valid, but one will be sinful for not having repeated the defective shaut.

Q. Is it preferable to recite Qur’aan Shareef during Tawaaf?
A. It is not preferable to read from the Qur’aan Majeed while making Tawaaf. It is discouraged.

Q. Is it permissible to talk while making Tawaaf, e.g. asking my wife of the number of circuits made?
A. Necessary talk of any kind is permissible. It is not permissible to engage in unnecessary talk. Nevertheless, the Tawaaf remains valid. Yes, you may ask your wife regarding the number of the rounds. This is necessary talk.

Q. Should Istilaam of Rukn Yamaani also be made?
A. If you are able to touch Rukn-eYamaani with both hands without turning the left shoulder from the Ka’bah, then this should be done. Touching with one hand is also permissible. Istilaam should not be made. When one is unable to touch Rukn-eYamaani, there is no Istilaam to be made. Such ‘istilaam’ is not permissible.

Q. Where exactly is the Multazam?
A. The Wall between the Door of the Ka’bah and Hajr-e-Aswad is the Multazam.

Q. While making Tawaaf should one make dua by the Multazam?
A. One should not make dua at the Multazam during Tawaaf. The Tawaaf should not be interrupted. It is Makrooh
to do so.

Q. While making Tawaaf, is it permissible to enter the Hateem to perform Salaat?
A. Performing Namaaz in the Hateem is not permissible during Tawaaf.

Q. What happens if one forgot to make Istilaam of Hajr Aswad after drinking Zamzam water?
A. Nothing happens if you forgot to make Istilaam after drinking Zamzam, that is, after completing the Tawaaf.
There is no penalty.

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