State Funerals & The Shari’ah
“Then, we placed you on the Shari’ah, so follow it and do not follow the whims of those who have no knowledge.” (Surah Jaathiyah, Aayat 18)
The following points should be remembered regarding Janaazahs:
- It is not permissible to attend a Janaazah of a deceased who supported the Haraam LGBTQIA+ his or her entire life with no retractions made in his / her life regarding this accursed sin.
- It is not permissible for non-Muslims – politicians, journalists, presidents – to join the Saff of a Janaazah and ‘read’ a ‘Salaah’. Such gentlemen have no concept of Tahaarat, Istinjaa’, Wuzu and Ghusl, how then can they be allowed to join the Saff?
- It is not permissible to attend a Janaazah where an enlarged picture of the deceased is placed near the casket.
- It is not permissible to attend a Janaazah where women are present and intermingling takes place.
- It is not permissible to attend a Janaazah where pundits and priests are present.
- It is not permissible to attend a Janaazah where an interfaith ceremony takes place where from the same podium Allah’s Name is taken one minute and Raam and Bagwaan and other ‘gods’ are praised the very next minute.
- It is not permissible to participate at any memorial services. Such services are totally alien to the original and pure Shari’ah and Deen.
- It is not permissible to attend a Janaazah which is livestreamed on various TV or You-Tube channels. ALL photography is HARAAM whether livestreamed or not.
The above points are penned because some Muslims and scholars participate in such Haraam funerals and interfaith gatherings which the masses may erroneously regard as permissible and ‘Islamic’
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