Question: I have read the Fatwas of the Mufties and Ulema who regard stunned meat as impermissible. What is the answer to the following regarding stunned meat:
- Not all animals die from the stunning before slaughtering.
- Majority, or 50% of animals possibly are still alive after stunning.
- After stunning, slaughtering takes place. Hence, the animal dies Islamically as long as the slaughtering was done Islamically.
- Hence, one cannot pass a blanket ruling that all stunned meat is haram.
Answer: We accept that all stunned animals do not die immediately. Then too, we still deem stunned meat sold as ‘Halaal’ and ‘certified’ as Halaal at butchers, take-aways, restaurants, etc. as Haraam. Read that again!
In order to understand why we subscribe to the Fatwa of the Ulama who have declared stunned meat as impermissible, please read the following points:
- Let us assume someone has 10 bottles of drinking water.
- He offers you the bottles of water for drinking purposes.
- However, he also notifies you that from the 10 bottles, just one or two bottles have poison filled in it that looks the same as water.
- He also tells you that he is unaware as to which bottles are filled with poison.
- Will you drink even one of the bottles of water to quench your thirst? Obviously, NO!
In the above 5 points, let us not forget:
- The person said that of the 10 bottles, only one or two bottles has poison.
- Just one or two of 10 bottles isn’t even 50% – as claimed boldly in the stunned meat argument above! Yet, none will drink water from any bottle.
How then can any sane Muslim consume meat regarding which one is told that from 10 carcasses (10, for the sake of an example), just two of the animals were DEAD before slaughtering, due to stunning?!
Thus, stunned meat supplied to butchers, take-aways, restaurants, etc. is Haraam meat even if it may have 100 ‘Halaal’ logos and 101 ‘Halaal certificates’! Haraam remains Haraam despite a ‘Halaal’ logo or certificate!
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