Taariq Jamil’s love for the net

25 Thul-Hijjah 1439/6 September 2018

In his Durban venue, on the 2nd of July 2018, Tariq Jamil said, “…For Allah’s sake read the Quraan, read it yourself … how many translations have been written? Open the net (Internet). There’s no need to open any kitaabs. Go to Google and take out the entire lifestyle of My Nabi (صلي الله عليه وسلم )…”

Our comment: While the Ulama of the Haq, our respectable Ustaads and all concerned senior Ulama of the Ummah plead with us not to turn to the dangerous Google for Deeni education, Tariq Jamil openly, fearlessly and emphatically proclaims to the masses to freely search the lifestyle of Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam on the internet!

Yes, the internet has benefits, while at the same time, free-searching may possibly find one on websites which outwardly appear ‘Islamic’ but have the enemies of Islaam behind the scenes, writing, posting and uploading so-called ‘Islamic’ content. By free-searching, one may enter into one of these type of dangerous websites laid in trap, designed to snatch away one’s precious gift of Imaan, or at least, give us a corrupted understanding of our Deen.

These websites also have the ‘Qur’an’ on them which could have been edited by some Jew, Hindu or atheist! Hence, by opening the ‘Fabricated-Qur’an’ on one of these websites, what true, proper and pure Deen will be learnt?

And to the least, free-searching of Islamic content on Google will send one to the ‘Tafseer’ of some Salafi or Shi’ah! And just like how when a student seats himself at the feet of an Ustaad to learn Deen, the Ustaad will impart to him what he (the Ustaad) wants his student to know, likewise, by reading and studying the ‘Qur’an’ on one of these websites which some Salafi or Shi’ah has written a ‘Tafseer’ of from unreliable sources and proves or concocts a ‘Tafseer’ from his ‘back-pocket’ or sucked up from his thumb, this Salafi or Shi’ah wants you to know and believe what the Salafis or Shi’ahs believe!

On the other hand, visiting the websites of reliable organizations and Ulama will leave one with some benefit. At least, the fear of reading unreliable or questionable views, Tafseer, Masaa’il and other Deeni related issues will be unlikely. One will be reading articles, listening to lectures/Bayaans and other similar beneficial Deeni content which has a pious, righteous, Muqallid (follower of a Mathab) and a Muttaqee (Allah fearing) Aalim or Mufti behind it.

Thus, by free-searching and Googling the Tafseer or translation of the Qur’an Majeed as Tariq Jamil advices, is nothing but dangerous to one’s Deen.

This view of Tariq Jamil is indeed lamentable. By saying so, the masses will all have a ‘cocktail’ of understanding and practicing of the Deen. All will ‘search up’ to ‘study’ different departments of Deen on the net. All will eventually have their own ‘opinions’, ‘Fatwas’ and even ‘Mathabs’!

In so doing, eventually, the respect for the Honourable Ulama and Muftis of the Haq will leave the hearts of the laymen. Since almost everyone has easy access to Google, to such an extent that the internet is in almost everyone’s pocket these days (by carrying a phone), when a Deeni confusion will be faced by the masses, then instead of adopting the olden and golden way—the way of humility, and calling, meeting or visiting an Aalim to learn the answer and rule, they will simply pull out their mobile phones and Google the question which might direct them to some Salafi or Shi’ah website which has the same or a similar discussion on it with a complete incorrect ‘Fatwa’ compared to that of the proper and true Deen.

Therefore, we totally disagree with such blatant calls of Tariq Jamil. The end result of such calls are nothing but breeding a near future generation of either Salafis or Shai’ahs!

One should be wary from who one learns Deen. The knowledge of Deen is Amaanat (trust). Any Tom, Dick and John is not allowed to discuss Deeni Masaa’il, Tafseer, nor have his own opinion on a Rule and Law of Deen. Likewise, a Muslim with a shaven beard, or a Muslimah with open and loose hair are also not fit to teach one Deen. By learning from a university lecturer some Islamic subject also carries no weight.

However, learning just a little of Deen by a Muttaqee (Allah fearing), righteous and pious Aalim or Mufti who has a Sunnah Kurtah which is well above his ankles as well as his trousers above his ankles, a Sunnah fist length beard and a Topi, results to a special Noor together with the Ilm (knowledge) being imparted from him. This results to Noor and generates from within one the urge and desire to be in Allah’s obedience! Then the love to worship Allah, remember Allah and obey Allah will be easy, Insha Allah!

Thus, to be wary from who we learn our Deen is imperative. This is important. This is vital. Tariq Jamil has done nothing but undermined all of this and has left the door open for anyone to search and Google any Deeni content from anywhere. By doing this, the Amaanat (trust) of Islaam has been betrayed!

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