22 Jumaadal-Ula 1442 / 6 January 2021
Taha Karaan’s Book On Contagion And Pandemics – Warning!
A brother writes: Maulana Karaan has issued a book discussing the topic of contagion and pandemics. Kindly offer comments on it in the light of people who sit in the company of the Ulama-e-Haq. Should such people read this book?
A Moulana writes: Assalamualaykum. Unfortunately this book is highly misleading. If possible and if there is time if the Ulema can refute these claims in a kitab form it will be beneficial insha Allah.
Our comment: The booklet has been sent to us. We have thus far studied the contents page and scanned through some of the pages. Insha Allah, if Allah wills, we shall issue a detailed comment on this book by the will and Tawfeeq of Allah Ta’ala.
For the time being, the following few points should be noted and remembered:
- Taha Karaan’s pictures are known to be available on the internet. Photography is totally Haraam and this is the Fatwa of the Ulama-e-Haq regarding animated photography! We were informed by an honourable Mufti Saheb that Taha Karaan allows for his videos to be made as well.
- Taha Karaan was the applicant for UUCSA in their application of becoming the amicus curiae (friends of the court) in the Masjid court issue. Taha Karaan’s opposing of the Masaajid from reopening and filing an affidavit to submit to court in this regard makes one wonder as to what his understanding of the issue of contagion, the impermissibility of wearing masks in Salaah, the Haraam social distancing, etc. would be?
- In his book on contagion, ‘Mf’ Taqi Usmani is quoted. At the outset it should be noted that certain Ulama do not agree with ‘Mf’ Taqi Usmani’s recent ‘Fatwas’ and doings. We are also aware that ‘Mf’ Taqi Usmani’s videos – same like Taha Karaan – are available. Yet, certain ‘Muftis’ and ‘Moulanas’ in South Africa quote, praise and follow ‘Mf’ Taqi Usmani! We are also aware of ‘Mf’ Taqi Usmani sitting with a female, discussing some finance issues.
It should be noted that the background of every writer has an effect on the readers. The writings of Bidatis, Shi’as, Mudhilleen, liberals and Kuffar will have negative impacts on readers. Likewise, the works of Allah-fearing Ulama-e-Haq will have positive effects on readers. Therefore, the writing of a man that opposed the opening of Allah’s Houses and filed his affidavit to prove his case will NOT have positive effects on the readers!
(To read (or download) this article as PDF, please click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Taha-Karaans-book.pdf)
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