Tarbiyat/Ta’leem No. 1


Aadaab of Salaam

  1. In a gathering where a talk or discussion is taking place, the person entering should not draw attention to himself by making salaam. He should not become an interference in the talk. He should lower his gaze and silently sit down. When later the opportunity arises, he may make Salaam.


  1. Adopt the practice of mutual Salaam. Whenever meeting a Muslim, say: ASSALAMU ALAIKUM. In reply say: WA ALAKUMUS SALAAM. All other ways are baseless.


Note (by Custodians of the Haq)

What is meant is that when meeting a Muslim, any of the three ways of the Masnoon Salaam should be made. All other ways of greeting are baseless.

The three ways of the Masnoon Salaam are:

  1. Assalaamualaikum (earns one 10 rewards)
  2. Assalaamualaikum Warahmatullah (earns one 20 rewards)
  3. Assalaamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh (earns one 30 rewards)

Saying ‘Salaam’ or writing ‘Slmz’, ‘Aslmz’, ‘Salaams’ etc. are also improper.


  1. When a person conveys the Salaams of another to you, reply: ALAYHIM WA ALAIKUMUS SALAAM. This is best. If someone replies: WA ALAIKUMUS SALAAM, it will also suffice.

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