QUESTION: On his Twitter post, Mufti Sulaymaan Moolla captioned his photo sitting next to Maulana Tariq Jameel “Always an honour to be in the presence of our elders.”
Kindly comment if Ml Tariq is an elder? And is Mufti Sulaymaan Moola also an elder?
ANSWER: Yes, Tariq Jamil is an elder in deviation, Fitnah, open Haraam acts, You-Tube, videos, pictures, going to un-Islamic venues, and definitely an ‘elder’ in being a Shia sympathizer.
Birds of a feather flock together!
Hence, Sulaiman Moola who parades as a Mufti, finds it comfortable to be seated next to such a deviate ‘elder’. Since both their doings are of the similar nature – both the “scholars” are guilty of bulldozing many of the Ahkaam of the 1400 year old Shari’ah in clear and open venues – they find it comfortable to rub shoulders with each other in their accursed picture for which the severest Azaab is warned of, according to the Deen of the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaa’ah.
An elder is a respectable person – one who shows dignity, honor and respect to the Ahkaam of Deen, not one who justifies Haraam and prohibited doings!
A person who speaks the Haq confirming to the Deen, and is advanced in age, is a real elder.
Not a man who speaks Haraam, does Haraam, justifies Haraam, defends the abusers of the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum), appears on You-Tube channels, happily agrees on pictures to be taken, etc. Such a person is not an elder in the real meaning of ‘elder’. Rather, he is an “elder buddy of Shaitaan”!
After all, Sulaiman Moola has lost his credentials of Haq in South Africa, thus he will never be really seen attending the talks and Majaalis of the Ulama-e-Haq. And if by chance he does, it may be very uncomfortable!
We had seen him once seated on a chair in the Bayaan of a very senior Mufti Saahib approximately two years ago, in Lenasia. Coincidentally, Allah Ta’ala made it, the Mufti Saahib was speaking about Sayyed SULAIMAAN Nadwi and how he at first was compared to what he then became – all due to the Suhbat of the Genuine Elders of his era (or something in similar lines was discussed by the Elder/Senior Mufti Saahib of Haq).
Lo and Behold! After some time, Sulaiman Moola disappeared, as we didn’t see him again in the Bayaan, nor did we see him after the Bayaan! Allah Alone knows where he disappeared to. Perhaps he had a runny tummy or what, Allah knows best! Or did he simply cut a line and went away?
At the end of the day, the Haq is too bitter a pill to gulp down the throats of the people of Baatil.
In conclusion, Tariq Jamil is an elder of Baatil. Sulaiman Moola is in the company of such an elder, then what should be expected?
May Allah Ta’ala grant Tariq Jamil and Sulaiman Moola Hidaayat to rejoin the ranks of the Ulama-e-Haq and to clearly retract from all their open and public Haraam perpetrated, Aameen.