21 Thul-Qa’dah 1439/4 August 2018
In his Durban venue, on the 2nd July 2018, Tariq Jamil made some extremely dangerous statements. Hence, it is incumbent upon the Ulama of the Deen and especially this country to refute, expose and warn the Ummah, least the Imaan and Islaam of many laymen may be affected.
Therefore, the duty of Amr bil Ma’roof as well as Nahi anil Munkar which is an integral part of this beautiful Deen of Islaam, has to be practiced upon by the Ulama. In the light of that, we express our gratitude unto Allah Ta’ala for allowing for us and choosing us to work in this field as well, the field and department of Amr bil Ma’roof Nahi anil Munkar. Alhamdulillah, we have prepared several articles pertaining to the topic of Tariq Jamil’s incorrect statements he made on his SA tour in July 2018. Anyone who wishes to have any previous article should kindly write to us a request. Your request can be submitted to our e-mail addresses or WhatsApp number.
Today, the duty of commanding good and forbidding evil is almost a forgotten department in Deen. Whilst on the other hand, the Ahaadith sound stern warnings for abandoning this duty. Bearing all of this in mind, we have prepared, Alhamdulillah, this article as you read, and other previous articles as well in this department. In fact, due to the many, many evils, un-Islamic activities etc. which crop up almost weekly, we deemed in necessary to open this department of Amr bil Ma’roof Nahi anil Munkar.
Let us refresh our memories with the stern warning which is sounded out in the Hadith to the Ummah when Amr bil Ma’roof Nahi anil Munkar is abandoned and ignored:
“By Him in Whose Hand my life is, you either enjoin good and forbid evil, or Allah will certainly soon send His Punishment to you. Then you will make Du’a and it will not be accepted”. (Tirmizi)
Tariq Jamil said, “…Don’t divide the Ummah. Don’t fragment the Ummah. Don’t destroy my Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam)’s efforts…”
Our response: When a person’s younger brother is, Allah forbid, on drugs, and one reprimands him, scolds at him and eventually sends him into a rehabilitation centre, then no one, not even a person’s neighbour or family member will say, “You are dividing your family. You are fragmenting your family.” No, because they understand that the man on drugs is a danger and a threat to his family and community! And by him being in a rehab, is the correct steps to take for his reformation.
So in Deen, when the Ulama-e-Haq of the Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah exposes the incorrect beliefs of the Shi’ahs and other deviated sects and individuals, why then do orators make statements like this in their speeches?
The deviated sects and individuals are dangers and threats to us, our communities, our Ummah and the Imaan of our generations! It is nothing but correct for the Ulama to break the silence and speak out the bitter truth. For the Ulama to expose them is like putting the drug addict in a rehab. For the Ulama to mention their incorrect beliefs is the reformation of these people.
But, if after the drug addict is reformed in the rehab and ‘off drugs’, when he returns home, it depends on him as to whether he will continue to stay away from drugs or not. If he practices upon the steps and ways he was taught seriously at the rehab to stay clear from drugs, he will most probably be successful for his whole life.
Likewise, if the deviated sects take serious the warnings and exposure of their wrongs by the Ulama of the Haq seriously, then why won’t there be hope for them to come onto the Straight Path? But the condition is sincerity and seriousness.
Therefore, the public should look at the exposing, mentioning and educating of the Ulama-e-Haq of the Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah in the same way. They should benefit from this so that they do not fall prey to deviation. They should not look at which Aalim or Mufti is doing this great task of exposing, as long as it is done within the Laws of the Deen, and the message is correct, take hold of it with both hands. Treasure it. Value it. Honour it.
We ask Allah Ta’ala to guide us onto the Straight Path and to keep us on the Straight Path until we breath our last, Aameen.
In fact, Tariq Jamil has fragmented and divided the Ummah by making incorrect and dangerous statements like this and others! He has made the following of a Mathab appear as something ‘light’. He has given significance and worth to the Shi’ah religion which is based on abusing and insulting the Sahaabah! Now you say, who has divided the Ummah? Who has fragmented the Ummah?
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