The Barkat Of Imam Ibn Hambal’s Body

Hadhrat Imaam Shaafi’ Rahmatullah alaih sent his messenger to Hadhrat Imaam Ahmad Bin Hambal Rahmatullah alaih with the message: “You will soon be overtaken by a momentous calamity, but you will emerge safely from it.”

Imaam Ahmad Rahmatullah alaih was delighted by the arrival of Imaam Shaafi’s messenger. As an expression of his joy, he removed the Kurtah he was at that time wearing, and sent it as a gift for Imaam Shaafi’ Rahmatullah alaih.

When the messenger handed the Kurtah to Imaam Shaafi’, he asked: “Was this kurtah on the body of Imaam Ahmad?” Messenger: ‘Yes.’ Imaam Shaafi’: ‘Did he wear any other garment under the Kurtah (e.g. a vest)?’ Messenger: ‘No, the Kurtah was directly against his body.’

Imaam Shaafi’ Rahmatullah alaih placed the garment reverentially in a dish and poured water on it. After soaking the garment in the water, he squeezed out all the water into the dish. Then he filled the water into a bottle. Whenever, any of his companions would become ill, Imaam Shaafi’ would give the patient a little of this water to drink. Immediately on drinking the water, the patient would be cured.

This was the effect of the Barkat of the Taqwa in the body of Hadhrat Imaam Ahmad Bin Hambal Rahmatullah alaih.

The ‘momentous calamity’ predicted by Imaam Shaafi’ Rahmatullah alaih was a reference to the arrest, flogging and imprisonment of Imaam Ahmad by the then Khalifah Ma’moon who had subscribed to the Mu’tazili doctrine of the Kalaam of Allah being created whereas the belief of the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah is that the Kalaam (Speech) of Allah is the uncreated eternal attribute of Allah Azza Wa Jal.

The Khalifah Ma’moon had ordered that Imaam Ahmad Rahmatullah alaih be flogged for his refusal to retract this belief. This illustrious Imaam patiently suffered the torture, and remained steadfast in his proclamation of the Haqq. 

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