The ‘Bright’ Side Of The Lockdown

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11 Sha’baan 1441 / 5 April 2020

The ‘Bright’ Side Of The Lockdown

Alhamdulillah, we are all aware that we are currently in a 21-day lockdown as per the instructions of our government in SA. While to the slaves of the Dunya these days appear to be dark, gloomy and negative, as Muslims, let us have a quick glance to the bright and positive Islamic side of our current lockdown situation.

Indeed, the efforts of the Ulama-e-Haq in their repeated advices, plea, struggle and Du’as proffered to the Ummah to stop their disobedience to Allah Ta’ala which were falling on ‘DEAF’ ears, majority of the time, have borne fruits.

Allah Ta’ala does NOT let His Pious and Good Servants’ efforts of goodness go to waste. Allah Ta’ala saw the attitude of rebellion in the Ummah, the attitude of not obeying the Naseehat of the Ulama-e-Haq and the attitude of defiance of the majority of the Ummah to the Ulama-e-Haq. Hence, Allah Rabbul Izzat has made the Divine arrangements and inspired the heart of the President of South Africa to enforce a TOTAL LOCKDOWN for 21 solid days!

Islamically, these days of lockdown are truly days of Noor, days of Ibaadat and days of minimum sinning. Now, let us see the following facts, which we have noticed, that happen during these days of lockdown:

1. ALHAMDULILLAH – No HARAAM wedding ceremonies can be held because we’re lockdown! At a wedding, tons of major sins are committed. The Ulama-e-Haq warned us of NOT arranging or attending HARAAM weddings, but we defied their call. We acted ‘deaf’ to their plea. Now, Allah has enforced us to remain STUCK IN LOCKDOWN, due to which, many, many HARAAM weddings are either cancelled, postponed or have resembled the GLITTERING ‘forlorn-forgotten’ (‘Ghareeb’ as the Hadith says) Sunnah manner of sufficing with a simple Nikaah and a simpler Walimah the next day. Alhamdulillah! Praise Allah for enforcing us to be saved from disobeying HIM!

Sadly, even modern Ulama participate in HARAAM weddings! One such report was given to us first-hand, where a (modern) ‘Moulana’ was present at his son’s wedding ceremony in a HARAAM hall, where women were dressed very immodestly – as per the information given to us by a man who was present for this HARAAM anti-Sunnah function of a ‘Moulana’, yes, a ‘Moualan’s’ son just few weeks before the lockdown.

2. ALHAMDULILLAH – No eating out and dinning at restaurants, take-aways and other food outlets because we’re lockdown! Regarding eating out, the very least we can say is that the majority of the meats are Mushtabah (doubtful). On the other hand, commercial meats which include chickens and its fillets used in burgers and other fast food items, beef and mutton used as processed products at food outlets, have been discovered to be HARAAM!

Since we’re in lockdown, HARAAM or MUSHTABAH (doubtful) foods will NOT be consumed by the Ummah – something which the very, very few Ulama-e-Haq used to always emphasize and warn of in their talks and writings. Though modern-type ‘Moulanas’ and organisations consisting of ‘Moulanas’ and ‘Muftis’ do approve and certify many – if not all – of these commercial meats, the fact of the matter is that HARAAM remains HARAAM and NO ‘Halaal’ logo can change HARAAM into ‘Halaal’! Let that be thoroughly digested, Insha Allah.

3. ALHAMDULILLAH – No functions, get-togethers and HARAAM birthday parties can be arranged because we’re lockdown! Yes, another event many are often invited to in the guise of ‘Mehndi night’, ‘high-tea’, ‘bachelors party’, ‘house-warming’, ‘baby-shower’ and several more dozens of similar events of feasts and gluttony coupled with massive major sins and acts which are in stark conflict to the Laws of the Shari’ah.

Again, when the Ulama-e-Haq used to inform us to avoid such gatherings and events of intermingling and merry-making, where full plates of food and glasses of half drunk liquids as well as half bitten cakes and other delicacies are thrown into bins, we – the Ummah – cast ‘deaf’ ears to their calls and pleas. Now, Allah Ta’ala has decreed this lockdown to enforce us NOT to participate in such HARAAM functions of nothing but ISRAAF (wastage) and SINS – Alahmdulillah. This is indeed a bright side of the current lockdown.

4. ALHAMDULILLAH – No roaming around in the malls and in HARAAM mock-‘Ramadan’/‘Eid’ shopping festivals because we’re lockdown! Truly, the Ulama-e-Haq will make a lot of SHUKR to Allah Ta’ala for every Islamically positive point we mentioned thus far, and especially for this point in which the MUBAARAK NAMES of RAMADAN and EID are misused by miscreants and money-makers by arranging a shopping spree like any other shopping festival organized by the Kuffaar to dupe Muslims into coming to these events and to ‘give some sort of comfort’ that all activities there are ‘Islamic’, hence ‘Halaal’. Thus, they dub their shopping sprees with ‘RAMADAN’ and/or ‘EID’ souk/festival!

Now is the time for Allah Ta’ala’s SILENT WHIP to strike us by enforcing us NOT to MOCK at HIS Deen’s valuable words and names denoting auspicious times of the Islamic calendar, therein calling Muslim men and women and dish out HARAAM prizes, Umrah tickets and cars to WINNERS! In fact, there is NO Umrah currently! Hence, the lockdown has brought with it this Islamic benefit of ALL – men and women – remaining indoors abiding by the government’s law which they fear the consequences of if they act in contrast to it, but showed a ‘don’t care attitude’ when the Ulama-e-Haq used to warn us of Allah’s Laws whose consequences the whole community will taste if we – the Ummah – don’t obey! Lo and behold, the whole country, nay, the whole world is tasting the consequences of its misdeeds and defiance to the Ulama-e-Haq!

Allah Ta’ala had warned us in His Kalaam that we should fear an Azaab which will not only afflict the miscreants and wrongdoers, but the whole community. While everyone – even the Ulama-e-Haq, Haq-loving Muslims (Muslims who were ardent Haq followers) and the modernised and liberal Ulama-e-Baatil (i.e. Ulama who are TV-popstars and appear on You-Tube, videos, speak to women on radios and manage and supervise so-called ‘Islamic’ schools – are affected by the virus and the lockdown, to the Ahl-e-Haq this is a Rahmah and a means for their Stages in Jannah to be elevated while to the Ahl-e-Baatil this is nothing BUT AN AZAAB FROM ALLAH TA’ALA!!!

In short, there are two groups of Muslims. The Ahl-e-Haq which includes the Ulama-e-Haq and ALL their followers, and the Ahl-e-Baatil which includes the Ulama-e-Baatil and ALL their followers.

The Ulama-e-Baatil are in our midst. They are those who appear on TV, You-Tube with their videos, videos and pose for pictures. They are also those who legalize Kufr Laws such as the MMB Bill. They also approve and appear on so-called radio ‘Islam’ and approve of ‘Islamic’ finances. And oh yes, they are in love with secular education! Hence, their ‘Madrasah’ in Fordsburg has a prerequisite for admission for the students to have a matric certificate!

Another outstanding Shaitaani Trademark of the Ulama-e-Baatil is the SHUTTING DOWN of the MASAAJID without even the government’s law prior to the 21-day lockdown!

Alhamdulillah, in the above paragraphs, we have adequately described who the Ulama-e-Baatil are. You should now have sufficient knowledge to identify them. Remember, Deen and its knowledge are an Amaanat (Trust). Every Muslim has to be wary as to from whom he/she learns his/her Deen from. In this regard, Hazrat Ibn Sireen (Rahmatullahi alaih) said, “Knowledge (of Deen) is indeed part of your religion. So be careful as to whom you accept your matters of Deen from.”  

It is the Haq (right) of every Muslim and Muslimah to be made aware of the evil and deviated scholars and organization so that they may be saved from deviation.

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