The Confused Seerah Jalsah Scholar

Rejoice, O Ummah!

Our Comments On The Seerah Jalsah’s Liberal-TV-Scholars’ Confusion

Allah Ta’ala asks, “Have you see the one who has taken his whims as a Ilaah (deity); whom Allah has led astray despite (possessing) knowledge (being a Moulana, Shaykh, Mufti); whose ears and hearts have been sealed and on whose eyes Allah has cast a veil?” (Jaathiyah, Aayat 23)

An accursed Haraam video clip wherein a scholar of the Baatil Seerah Jalsah who had trumpeted much hot-air due to his fuses been blown away with all the confusing tales he had to tell, was brought to our attention. The following statements were uttered in this particular Haraam and accursed video snippet:

  1. “The Sahaabah were more united amidst their difference of opinions, than our hearts can possibly be united when we have consensus of opinion.”
  2. “The Sahaabah and Tabi’een differed but they never took the liberty to refer to the differing scholar with his differing view as a Faasiq or to advocate that you cannot pray behind him.”

The following points should be noted regarding the confused Seerah Jalsah scholar who also promotes modernism and Dajjaaliyat:

  1. The clip was that of a Haraam video. Alhamdulillah, the people who are not confused in the least bit regarding animate photography to be Haraam, nor proffer silly justifications to make what is Haraam as Halaal, had erased the face of the scholar who was trumpeting much disrespect to the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) in this video snippet.

Besides that, imagine, an entire Jalsah in the name of the ‘Seerat’ of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) is deprived of the ‘Soorat’ (bringing into one’s life) of the simple Farmaan (statement, command) of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) wherein he forbade photography, etc. with very strict warnings.


This is total outward double standard – one conducts an entire Jalsah on aspects of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam)’s Mubaarak life, yet his (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam’s) severe warnings sounded to those involved in photography is totally ignored and thrown out of the window by videoing and transmitting LIVE video-streaming of the Seerah Jalsah on various platforms (such as Mal’oon (accursed) You-Tube, etc.).


Instead of upholding the Hadith Shareef wherein photography/videography is strictly banned, the total opposite is done under the banner of ‘Seerat’. What a mockery is this! Who are we bluffing? Who are we duping?


This shows the lack of respect for the words (Hadith Shareef) of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) by the confused Seerah Jalsah scholar/s. This also shows that the very same Seerah scholars are the ones causing Fitnah, division and disunity in the Ummah by them appearing on the accursed photo-video channels, accursed Hilaal TV (Dajjaal’s office), posing for photos at airports, posing for photos at game/safari reserves, etc.


Then they are the very same ones who cry for unity, yet they are the very ones causing disunity! They are causing disunity and havoc in the Ummah by opposing the 1400-year-old view of the Ulama-e-Haq of the Deen which conforms 100% to the Teachings and Warnings of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) who warned of the severest Azaab to be meted out on those involved in photography. And this is exactly what the Ulama-e-Haq follow when they brand ALL photography as Haraam without making any attempt in concocting justifications with the aid of Shaitaan, by exempting ‘digital’ photos/videos, thereby baselessly basing the entire justification on the word ‘difference of opinion’, or ‘Ikhtilaaf’ with regard to digital photography.


  1. Note the lack of respect the Baatil Seerah Jalsah scholar shows to the Honourable Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum), the Noble Companions of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam).


The modern-scholar of the Seerah Jalsah – who now calls himself “Mufti” – fails to even accord a hint of respect by saying at least once, RADHIYALLAHU ANHUM an Accolade, Award and Certificate honoured to the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) by Allah Ta’ala which is Enshrined in the Qur’an Majeed.


At least THREE TIMES, the word ‘Sahaabah’ was used by the modern Seerah-scholar, and not a single time was the Title, Accolade, Award and Respect by saying ‘RADHIYALLAHU ANHUM’ used. What a shame on the Seerah Jalsah’s scholar/s. Imagine, an entire Jalsah held in the name of Seerah, yet the absence of respect for the Ashaab-e-Rasool (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam), the Noble Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum).


Has this got to do with some hidden agenda of appeasing the Kuffaar Shi’as who hate the Noble Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum)?


  1. The pro girls attending ‘educational’ brothels[1] scholar – who now calls himself “Mufti” – of the Seerah Jalsah sadly fails to understand the matter at hand. The fact is that the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) never differ on matters that are based on Nusoos (clear-cut Aayaat and Ahaadith), Aqeedah, Haq and Baatil, Imaan and Kufr, etc. Their differences were in Deeni matters – what we today call, Fiqh. Remember, Islaam was in its initial stages. Ahkaam (Laws) were coming as per the occasion and need. Thus, if there were differing ways, it was on this basis, not on Nusoos.


A simple example in this regard: All the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) were unanimous on the prohibition of intermingling. Something which the modern fraternity of scholars like those of the Seerah Jalsah, JUSA and JUSA’s secretary, UUCSA and UUCSA’s secretary, MJC, etc. indulge in, in clear and open public-eye.

Let us remind the confused pro-girls attending ‘educational’ brothels Seerah Jalsah scholar who has been trapped in confusion, of the following facts:


  • ALL the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) were united on photography to be Haraam. There are numerous clear-cut Ahaadith prohibiting this Haraam and evil.


  • ALL the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) were united on the Islamic Laws of Hijaab, something which the scholars of the Seerah Jalsah are not upholding. The proof of this is that content is available wherein it clearly shows how the Seerah Jalsah scholars rub shoulders, mingle and interact on the streets, at marches, in TV studios (Dajjaal’s offices), in schools, in aircrafts, etc. with strange females (non-Mahrams). Clear-cut Aayaat and Ahaadith discuss this Islamic Law in crystal-clear detail.


  • ALL the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) were united on intermingling between men and women to be HARAAM.


  • ALL the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) were united on ZINA to be Haraam. Would they have allowed the ZINA Nikaah App of Menk, another confused Seerah scholar regarding which he initially said the AI (artificial intelligence) will be the Wali? Na’uthu-Billah! The clear-cut Aayat and Ahaadith explain Zina in explicit detail.


  • ALL the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) were united on upholding the Mubaarak Sunnah of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam). Thus, each one of them was united on the Sunnah of eating on the floor. Do the Seerah scholars do the same? Are they united on this Great Sunnah? Do they observe this Great Sunnah at ALL times? We have reports of people who attended meals with some of them, who said they (Seerah scholars) sat at tables and chairs.


  1. The bottom line of the utterances of the Baatil Seerah Jalsah scholars wherein they harp on ‘unity’, and proffer examples of the unity of the Sahaabah (Radhiyallau anhum) is that the Haq and the works and efforts of the Ulama-e-Haq have directly affected them, the scholars of Baatil, terrifically! Based on this, we had announced at the top of this article the words REJOICE, O UMMAH!


Basically, the Ulama-e-Haq’s Bayaans, Majaalis, articles, websites, and any other effort wherein they have come out and openly warned the Ummah of the Baatil actions of the scholars of Baatil, have failed the efforts of Baatil. Thus, such statements are uttered at a Seerah Jalsah, to once again, win the support and hearts of the laymen of SA.


Hence, out of desperation, they are forced to utter such nonsense. In them uttering such nonsense is the Shaitaani attempt of ridiculing the Haq and the works and efforts of the Ulama-e-Haq against their Baatil and works and efforts of Baatil. Remember, the works of the Ulama-e-Haq is to maintain the 1400-year-old Golden Deen!


The reason for the Ulama-e-Haq exposing the Baatil of the scholars of Baatil is to uphold the Original Islaam, and to save the Ummah from living a diluted Islaam and a watered down Islaam which is promoted by the Seerah Jalsah scholars and others of their ilk. So, ridiculing this Noble Work of the Ulama-e-Haq is actually causing disunity and Fitnah by the Seerah Jalsah scholars!

Therefore, don’t be duped with phrases such as ‘causing disunity’, ‘branding as Faasiq/Faajir’, etc. forthcoming from the Seerah Jalsah scholars and others of their ilk. In Islaam, a Faasiq is a Faasiq, just like how in the eyes of the police a thief is a thief.


Thus, their losing of support, trust, following, etc. has led them to confusion thereby their uttering confused utterances which in the interim, makes them disrespect the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum).


In other countries, when the scholars of Baatil promote Baatil, there is barely any opposition. Thus, Baatil gains some grounds. In SA, Alhamdulillah, we have the fraternity of the Ulama-e-Haq who, speak out, write out, conduct special programs to alert and inform the Ummah of the Baatil promoted by Baatil scholars. Hence, the fraternity of Baatil scholars, also known as the Ulama-e-government, are unable to gain control over the Muslim masses in SA, to lead them into a totally diluted and watered down Islaam. And this is also another reason to reverberate in the hearts of every reader, ‘REJOICE, O UMMAH!’


Remember, the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) would have never ever allowed the following:


  • Unite with the Kuffaar.
  • Engage in interfaith parties.
  • Mis-interpret Surah Kaafiroon to suit interfaith agendas.
  • To have a ZINA-Nikaah App.
  • To pose for photos.
  • To enter churches.
  • To pray under crosses.
  • To indulge in interfaith at the funeral of Ahmad Kathrada.
  • To attend Mandela’s memorial where interfaith was held and the Seerah Jalsah scholar read Surah Faatihah.
  • To jump on the streets in solidarity for Palestine.
  • To chant ‘VIVA’, for EFF and ANC.
  • To shut down the Masaajid even before the illogical and oppressive lockdown of the atheists was forced down our throats.
  • To approve and canvass for the poisonous deadly shots – vaccines.
  • To approve social distancing in the Masjid.
  • To enforce the wearing of the Tsotsi-type masks in Salaah.
  • To spy on Muslims not adhering to the brutal and inhumane lockdown rules.
  • To brand Jumu’ah as, “Just one Jumu’ah…”
  • To oppose the court case for reopening the Masaajid.
  • To endorse secular education which is in actual fact a godless education.
  • To mistranslate the Naseehat offered to them at their Bukhari Jalsah in the very same Masjid where the Seerah Jalsah took place by a senior Aalim and Shaykhul-Hadith of South Africa who openly warned them of some of their wrongs, albeit in the Urdu language. The Naseehat was given in Urdu and the translator who ignored the entire points of warnings, is one of the Seerah Jalsah speakers who had prayed under crosses for the Kuffaar.

All the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) would have NEVER ever approved or allowed any of the above brief 20-points (which is just the tip of the iceberg of the entire list one can prepare).

Had the noble Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) been alive today and witnessed how the scholars of Baatil are causing havoc in the Shari’ah in the light of the above basic 20-points, would they have tolerated any of those in the least bit?

Would any of the Noble Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) ever allowed for any person involved in the above to lead the Salaah as an Imaam?

  1. Note the use of the interfaith-friendly and Kuffaar-appealing words the modern scholars of the Seerah Jalsah use, such as:


  • Almighty for Allah Ta’ala, instead of Allah, Allah Ta’ala, Allah Paak, or Allah Rabbul Izzat, etc.
  • Pray for Salaah or Du’a (depends on the context); etc.

These words are ‘universal’ which fits for all religions – perfectly fits the One World Religion Kufr agenda of Dajjaal! Hence, the lectures of the Seerah Jalsah’s liberal scholars are filled, in fact, flooded with the use of these words. On the other hand, the simple, pious and righteous Ulama-e-Haq don’t in a hurry use such pro-interfaith words! Our Ulama-e-Haq make use of the words such as:


  • Allah Ta’ala
  • Allah Paak
  • Salaah and Namaaz.


Just uttering these words, sparks an Imaaani-light in the hearts! And even if any of our senior Ulama-e-Haq uses the word ‘pray’ for example, then too, the word is filled with Noor due to the fact that the Aalim is that of Haq. And also, the Aalim of Haq using this word is not at all basing it on appeasing the interfaith crowd or the Kuffaar or the Kufr One World Religion of Dajjaal, promoted by his agents!

In conclusion, Muslims should be by now very aware of the two camps in South Africa. The one camp consists of scholars – not Moulanas, because the word Moulana doesn’t suit and fit in their actions. These scholars are of Baatil, preach Baatil, water down the Shari’ah, dilute the Laws of Islaam, mis-interpret the Tafseer, suffer from selective amnesia by only using certain Ahaadith and topics from the Seerah to bolster their Baatil agendas, approve and legalize almost everything that is Haraam like TV, women on radios, etc.

In the other camp, we find Ulama who are of the Haq, promote and explain the Haq, uphold the Genuine Sunnah, preach the correct understanding and demands of Deen and issue Fataawaa based on solid Shar’i evidences against Baatil and the scholars of Baatil – something the scholars of Baatil cannot refute ever!

Now you be the judge as to which camp is worth following. Remember, it is Waajib to choose and follow the anti-TV Ulama-e-Haq who will guide you to Jannah. Will the camp which promotes TV, sports, interfaith, politics and Baatil ever direct one to Jannah?




[1] Reference is made here with regards to this same Seerah Jalsah scholar’s previous ‘cry’ and ‘tears’ when at the Seerah Jalsah he begged parents to send their daughters to universities. Universities are dens of Zina, thus they can also be called brothels! Yet, these same dens of Zina are encouraged to be attended by Muslim girls by scholars?

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