3 Thul-Qa’dah 1439/17 July 2018
The Dangerous Statement of Tariq Jamil Refuted
We continue with the response to some dangerous points Tariq Jamil made on his tour here in SA.
In his Durban venue, on the 2nd July 2018, Tariq Jamil said:
“How the Ignorant lecturers/ imams have destroyed the Ummah. They don’t greet each other or read their funeral prayers. Such filth they are spreading…”
Our response to the above: By saying ‘the Imaams’, we understand that reference is made to the Ulama who have spoken out and are speaking and exposing the current Shi’ahs and the CapeAccord.
How can anyone say that the Ulama of the Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah, who are exposing the Kufr and incorrect beliefs of the Shi’ahs are destroying the Ummah? From this statement of Tariq Jamil, it shows the Ulama who are upholding the Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah creed are destroying the Ummah. Whereas this is totally false in the Light of the Shari’ah.
Let us look at a police officer. What is his job? What is the demand of his job when he witnesses, in front of his eyes, a bank robbery, for example? Will he just stand there and watch? Watch the millions of Rands being stolen? Watch how the robbers have their guns pointed to the staff and bank manager? If he takes, or tries to take no action in apprehending, chasing etc. the thieves, will his job not be at danger? For verily, he will be questioned by the head of his local Police force as to what effort and action he had taken in order to apprehend the thugs.
The demand from a true and proper policeman at that moment will be to take action. He will have to make an effort to keep the shops, banks and the whole community safe from criminals. And by taking action, a safe environment will be the near future result.
By the policeman’s taking of action result in him being branded as ‘Destroying the community’? In fact, if he is successful in combatting the thieves, and gets them behind bars, he will be regarded as a hero. He will be the hero of his community. He will be complemented for his job and duty as a police officer.
This is in regard to a worldly example. And we as Muslims, will also be pleased with the bravery, risk and service of such a policeman. Why? Because we know the wealth
of the community and shops will be safe from the hands of the thieves. Why? Because money is dear to us. So the question of branding the police man with ‘Destroying the community’ title, is not even thought about.
In the same way, when a person proclaims to be a Muslim but commits the crime of swearing and abusing the Sahaabah, then it is the duty of the Ulama to expose him. In doing this, it is totally unfair to brand the Ulama who fearlessly are speaking out against dangerous pro-Shi’ah orators from Pakistan and are re-igniting the recent Shi’ah uproar in SA. as ‘danger to the community’.
These Ulama deserve to be appreciated for safeguarding our Imaan, and the Imaan of our children and generations to come. Allah Ta’ala has chosen these Ulama to uphold the Pure and Pristine Teachings of His Deen.
So, instead of making the claim of ‘destroying the Ummah’ and ‘such filth they are spreading’, one should ponder and reflect over what the job of the Ulama is and what are these Ulama doing. These Ulama are merely exposing the incorrect beliefs of the Shi’ahs. Since Shia’ahs are spreading their incorrect beliefs to the Ummah in SA, it is nothing but just fair enough for the Ulama of the Ahlus-Sunnah to spread the correct beliefs.
Some of the incorrect beliefs of the Shi’ahs are;
Abusing the Sahaabah with vulgar words
Accusing Hazrat Aisha Radhiyallahu anha of committing adultery
Believing that Allah Ta’ala can commit errors
Legalizing prostitution in the name of Mut’ah
Believing there to be rewards for lying
Therefore, the Ulama of the Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah do not regard them to be in the fold of Islaam. And just as we do not perform Janaazah Salaah of a Christian or Jew, similarly, we do not perform the Janaazah of anyone with the above incorrect Shi’ee beliefs.
So, the Pakistani orator tried to create the understanding that the Ulama are doing very wrong in not performing their funerals etc., whereas it is a sinful act to do so. It is sinful to participate in the funeral of people with incorrect beliefs.
We ask Allah Ta’ala to rightly guide the Ummah of South Africa and to safeguard the Imaan of the members of the Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah from the speeches of orators who come to our shores and plant the rotten and poisonous seeds of Shi’ism, Salafi’ism and other misguided sects in subtle ways and manners, Aameen.
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