The Day of Eid and Sinning

9 Thul-Hijjah 1439/21 August 2018

“The Most Severely Punished People On the Day of Resurrection Will Be the Image-Makers.” [Bukhaari & Muslim]

Whilst the Day of Eid-ul-Adhaa invites with it some extra activities, coupled with some form of excitement, as Muslims we are bound by the Shari’ah at all times. There is no time in the day and night of a Muslim that we can set ourselves free from the Shari’ah.

The day of Eid-ul-Adhaa is soon to dawn upon us. It is the work of every Muslim to ensure he passes this Blessed Day in a way which is within the Parameters of the Shari’ah and Pleasing to Allah Paak.

  1. Photography/videography: Firstly, let us turn to the Hadith Shareef and read how sternly Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam warned us about taking photos of animated objects:

“Those who make these images (i.e. animated photos/videos-Custodians of the Haq) will be punished on the Day of Resurrection, and it will be said to them, make alive what you have created.” (Bukhari)

“Allah will continue to punish those who draw pictures (in our times, capture pictures with cameras and mobile phones etc.-Custodians of the Haq) until they blow life into their pictures, which they will never (be able to) do.” (Bukhari)

Among the people Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam cursed are the image-makers (Bukhari)

“Who is a greater wrongdoer than the one who tries to create creation like My creation? Let him create a small ant or a grain of wheat.” (Hadith-e-Qudsi, Muslim)

Therefore, we should avoid taking selfies and photos of us with/and the Qurbani animals. Don’t spoil these chosen and noble animals with the sin of photography.

  1. Intermingling: Men and women who are non-Mahram to each other should remain separated from one another throughout their lives. This emphasise is far greater on the Day of Eid. All should avoid at all costs the following:
  2. Women, even with a Purdah over their faces, to be present in the presence of strange men whether on farms or in their own backyards. And the workers we employ to hold and skin the animals are also strangers for the women. Women have no right to speak to them, slaughter their animal while these workers are holding, etc.
  3. Brother-in-laws should remain separate from their sister-in-laws. The act pf slaughtering doesn’t give an excuse for all to mix and blend. The Laws of them observing Purdah from each other remain perfectly in place even on the Days of Eid.
  • If a woman wishes to slaughter, one should arrange for her Mahrams only to be present. Only they should hold the animal down. If even one non-Mahram is in her presence, renders her act of slaughtering impermissible. It is not a must that women must slaughter, but it is a must that no non-Mahram should see her slaughtering!

Women slaughtering?

Yes, it is perfectly permissible for a Muslimah to slaughter her or a Qurbani animal. However, there are conditions attached to it, besides what has just been mentioned above:

(The following points are for when she is going to slaughter at home and that there is not a single non-Mahram present (at the time of her slaughtering), not even a male cousin, a non-Mahram uncle (including the workers helping in holding down the animal) or even her brother-in-law.)

  1. She should be fit or strong enough to slaughter. If she is weak to slaughter an animal, she should rather not slaughter because her slaughtering in a weak manner will cause some extra unwanted Takleef to the animal.
  2. Her nature is that of being able to see blood. When the blood starts gushing out, she should carry on and not back away, for then the animal that is giving its life is put in extra pain.
  3. There should be a Mahram male near her with a knife on standby in case whatever the case may be and she doesn’t slaughter till the end, then he can take control and manage the emergency without any extra trouble to the animal.
  4. Her surroundings should be free of any strange men. Even her brother-in-law/s are non-Mahram to her. Purdah friendly environment will result in a Qurbani filled with the hidden ingredient of Taqwa which will automatically marinate the meat and affect every consumer of that meat in spiritually elevating themselves in the levels of Taqwa!
  5. If any of the above points cannot be adhered to, it will be best for a woman not to slaughter. Yes, she can stand to witness the slaughtering as Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam told his beloved daughter Hazrat Fatimah Radhiyallahu anha. But again, the condition for her to witness the slaughtering is governded with the rules of Purdah.
  6. It is not permissible for her to slaughter at farms because it will almost be impossible for her to avoid coming in contact with any non-Mahram. It is Haraam for women to be present at farms and public slaughtering houses as well as abattoirs due to the Law of Hijaab been violated openly. There are some hounarable men who wish to do their Qurbani, but because of the presence of females in their midst with no regard for Purdah, they are inconvenienced as they wish to observe proper Hijaab.
  7. If her surroundings are anti-Purdah, then it will be incumbent upon her to remain indoors. We hope from Allah Ta’ala that she will then be rewarded for her sacrificial animal and her sacrifice of not sacrificing the Laws of Hijaab, Aameen.

Qurbani is an Ibaadat. Not a circus. By seeing animals everywhere on Qurbani day, it doesn’t mean it is a zoo or a circus.

Let us observe Hijaab especially on Qurbani day instead of trampling on it. Just see how much of Zina is taking place, how many marriages are breaking down and how many men are eying other men’s wives! All of this is due to some people not obeying and following the Laws of Hijaab. So, let us treat the Laws of Hijaab and all other Laws of the Deen seriously, Aameen.


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